Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Problem with the American Health Care System

The American health care system is under duress. Some people praise the US medical system because of the availability of state-of -the-art treatments while some criticize because of the many loopholes of the system and problems with insurance. Because of loopholes in the insurance system and the high price of getting medical treatment in the country, many ordinary American folk do not get basic health while only the high-income earners can handle high medical costs.Despite of the existence of government health insurance, American citizens still feel the need to buy insurance from public firms since the government insurance system does not cover much of the medical needs of the people. Before analyzing the American health care system, it is first important to have a clear view of the system and the problems with it. The American health care system is made up of both public and private insurers but the unique part of this system is that the private sector remains dominant over the publ ic sector.Statistics indicate that 62 percent of non-elderly Americans receive insurance receive from their employers in the private sector while 5 percent purchased their own insurance from private insurance companies. A small 15 percent rely on government insurance systems such as Medicare and Medicaid. Those who do not have any form of insurance account for 15 percent of the total. Public Health Insurance is mainly provided by Medicare and Medicaid (Chua, 2006). Medicare covers people at age 65 and above including some disabled people.It is a government single-payer program which is funded by tax collections, a payroll tax and paid premiums. It is funded together by the federal and state government. Medicare covers hospital services, physician services, and medical drug benefits but over the years, weaknesses have been spotted in this insurance system such as it includes an incomplete coverage for nursing facilities as well as an insufficient preventive care coverage. It also doe s not provide for dental, hearing and vision health care.Because of the lack of services, the elderly folk that avail of Medicare are forced to get insurance plans from private companies, and thus, many of the old folk spend 22 percent of their income for providing their personal health care needs not covered by government health insurance (Chua, 2006). Medicaid on the other hand is an insurance program specifically provided for the disabled and for low income earners. It is stated under federal law that states must provide medical care to the very poor pregnant women, children, elderly, disabled, and parents.Adults that have no children receive no coverage from Medicaid as well as poor people that have a higher income that make them unqualified for Medicaid benefits but states have the freedom to alter eligibility levels. Just like Medicare, Medicaid receives funding from taxes. Medicaid has many good benefits but many of those who have availed of this insurance program find it dif ficult to look for health care providers that accept Medicaid because of a rather low reimbursement rate (Chua, 2006).According to the data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the US spends the highest on health care among the member countries in the OECD. In 2003, US health care costs accounted for 15 percent of the country's GDP while the average for all OECD countries only figured at 8. 6 percent. Among all OECD countries, the US also incurs the most spending on health care per capita with $5,635 which is more than double the OECD average of $2,307. From 1999 to 2003, per capita spending on health care increases by an average of 4.6 percent every year which is at par with the OECD average of 4. 5 percent per year. In most countries from the OECD, health care funding is usually provided by the government except for the US, Mexico, and Korea in which the private sector dominate the health care industry. Only 44 percent of health care spending is provided by the government in the US setting while the average government funding for health care in the OECD is at 72 percent. The US also has the highest health spending from private institutions at 37 percent.The US also lags behind on physician per population averages, nurse per population averages and hospital beds per population averages (Chua, 2006). These comparative data shows that the US has indeed been putting much budget into health but despite of this, the US has been performing poorly in providing the health care needs of its people. This may be traced from higher costs of health care since private institutions are more focused on profit. As of 2004, government pending on health care rose to 16 percent, in comparison, this is more of what is being spent on food.The rising costs of medical treatment stems from new medical technology. This results in a division of the population that may be referred to as â€Å"insiders† and â€Å"outsiders†. Insiders are t hose that have good insurance while outsiders are those that have little or no insurance. The insiders receive the best medical treatment regardless of the cost while the outsiders receive very little treatment that they should have been accorded. To quantify, one study indicated that those people with no insurance have a 70 percent more likelihood to die from colorectal cancer within a time span of three years (Krugman and Wells, 2006).The only way advanced medical technology can be provided to all people and not only to the financially capable is through health insurance but it would be difficult for private insurance companies to provide such a need because of the problem of adverse selection. Hence, healthy people would have to pay less premiums for insurance since they are not likely to accumulate large medical spending while those unhealthy people that are expected to accumulate large spending on medical treatment and hospital bills will have to pay higher premiums (Krugman an d Wells, 2006).The insurance company would quickly find that because its clientele was tilted toward those with high medical costs, its actual costs per customer were much higher than those of the average member of the population. So it would have to raise premiums to cover those higher costs. However, this would disproportionately drive off its healthier customers, leaving it with an even less healthy customer base, requiring a further rise in premiums, and so on. Krugman and Wells, 2006Insurance companies have learned how to deal with this problem using risk assessment with the aid of a careful screening process. This results in rejecting or charging more premiums for applicants that are more likely to incur higher treatment costs. This practice bars many of those who are greatly in need of insurance from getting one. If ever a person is allowed to get an insurance despite of the conditions, the premiums would be very high (Krugman and Wells, 2006). Insurance is important for heal th care since it will affect the health of people.With the presence of insurance, the people will have a better grasp of preventive care. A study by The Urban Institute indicated that about 50 percent of children that did not have any health insurance did not have a medical checkup in 2003, whereas only 26 percent of insured children did not have a checkup (National Coalition on Health Care, 2008). This shows that people are most likely to pursue early medical treatment in the presence of an insurance policy. People who are uninsured also pay before receiving any medical treatment except during emergencies.If they are unable to pay, they will be denied medical treatment. In the presence of insurance, a person will not be denied medical treatment because the insurance will readily pay for it (National Coalition on Health Care, 2008). Instead of eliminating expenses, lack of insurance policies only results in more spending for the government since the governments pays for the health e xpenses of those people who are unable to pay for the medical treatment they received in the absence of a health insurance.Also, data indicates that hospital accumulate $34 billion of unpaid health care every year while $37 billion is paid by private and public payers for the uninsured while $26 is paid from out-of-pocket for the people who did not avail of any insurance policy for some reason (National Coalition on Health Care, 2008). The number of uninsured people is steadily increasing due to the complexities involved in getting insurance but the highest driving factor is the high premiums. Job instability and other changes such divorce, retirement, self-employment, etc.are also reasons why people do not avail of insurance (National Coalition on Health Care, 2008). Addressing health care is very important for any country especially for a developed nation that has a high population like the US. The presidential candidates both have proposed health care policies as a part of their agenda. These policies may be viewed from their websites and they both put addressing insurance problems the top health care issues as well reducing the cost of basic health services.The reason why health care is too costly in the US may partly be because doctors are more highly paid but a better reason would be because much of health care payments are done by private insurance institutions. This results in more expenses since people pay more premiums just to get the better benefits of a private insurance system and since these private institutions are business entities, premiums are higher for higher risks of expensive medical treatment. For the government, profit would never be an issue.What the two presidential candidates, Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton are proposing just might work. They are proposing a new health care insurance system that promises affordable premiums and good benefits under the government. If implemented properly and with scrutiny, these plans might be a wa y to uplift the country's health care system since it promises more coverage while providing friendlier premiums. Shifting from government insurance that provides good benefits would be the ultimate answer to the rising costs of medical treatment.It is notable more and more people are getting medical aid from Medicare or Medicaid but this does not stop people from getting another health insurance at a private institution since government funded insurance does not provide all the medical needs of the people. The government should provide insurance policies that are will provide for most or all of the medical needs of the people at friendly-priced premiums. This way, the health care system will improve. References Chua, Kao-Ping. 10 February 2006. Overview of the U. S. Health Care System. Retrieved May 26, 2008, from http://www. pdf Krugman, Paul & Wells, Robin. 23 March 2006. The Health Care Crisis and What to Do About It. The New York Review of Books, 53,5. Retrieved may 26, 2008, from http://www. nybooks. com/articles/18802 National Coalition on Health Care. 2008. Health Insurance Coverage. Retrieved May 26, 2008, from http://www. nchc. org/facts/coverage. shtml Plan for a Healthy America. Retrieved May 26, 2008, from http://www. barackobama. com/issues/healthcare/ American Health Choices Plan. Retrieved May 26, 2008, from http://www. hillary clinton. com/feature/healthcareplan/summary. aspx

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Carbon Dioxide and Industrialization Modernization

Martin Aldrin de La CruzENGLCOM1 EH1 Argumentative Essay: Industrialization Modernization is the conversion of rural areas in to urban or secular areas. Modernization is linked to other words like urbanization and industrialization. I will talk about industrialization. Industrialization is the conversion of agricultural into a base of manufacturing, buildings, and villages. Industrialization started in the 18th century where countries like Greece, Netherlands, and England used slavery to build structures in the agrarian areas.Many countries chose to industrialize to make their country powerful in terms of technology, transportation, education, and economy. Industrialization affects our economy in many ways. First, the construction of new buildings increases the value of the country. Since there are new buildings or enterprises, it opens jobs for people. Increasing the number of employed people in the labor force means increase in the economy. Although industrialization can make our c ountry's economy globally-competitive, it must be stopped because it destroys our body, harms the animals, and causes disturbance to the society.Industrialization can ruin our bodies. There are several bad effects of industrialization and one of these is giving us insufficient food supply. Since our rural areas have been converted to business enterprises, we need to expect that we have less food supply such as rice, vegetables, and other fruits. According to the leading conservation organization, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), 90 percent of the 1. 2 billion people living in extreme poverty worldwide depend on forests for their livelihoods. It is bad for the people living there to starve to death.Moreover, our bodies will be prone to illness since there is more pollution brought by the new structures. According to National Geographic, trees also play a critical role in absorbing the greenhouse gases that fuel global warming. Fewer forests mean larger amounts of greenhouse gases enteri ng the atmosphere—and increased speed and severity of global warming. The trees that were cut down are supposed to be the things that will get the carbon dioxides and other chemicals brought out by factories. It is harmful for our body to take in the chemicals instead of the trees that should be taking it in.As what I have noted, industrialization can also harm the animals around us. According to TNC, forests are home of one half of the animals worldwide. I can not imagine a life having no shelter. Definitely, all of the animals that live in the forest also feed themselves from the resources there. Trees also prevent flash floods in our places. The roots in the trees sap the water from the rain. Thus, it prevents flash floods. If they are all cut down, we will suffer more and the animals can also suffer. In addition, the U. N. Food and Agriculture Organization said that industrialization contributes approximately 6. billion tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere annually, a s of 2011. Many animals will be affected by this pollution especially the marine life. Industrialization is not all just about pollution and killing, it is also causes disturbance to the society. According to TNC, there were approximately 6 million indigenous people living in the Brazilian Amazon. But as the forests disappeared, so too did the people. In the early 1900s, there were less than 250,000 indigenous people living in the Amazon. We know that there are indigenous people living in the rural areas. We should also help them preserve their lifestyle.It is also a nuisance because people working there risk their lives in going to such places. We know that there are rebels in such places especially in the country of Philippines. The rebels attack whenever they want. Although industrialization can make our economy globally-competitive and can bring glory to our countries, I can not bear the calamities that it can bring to us. Industrialization must be stopped because of these thing s. I believe that there are still other ways to make us competitive. We need to live simple in our ways and we can also innovative without destroying our planet.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Objectives of an organizations public relations department Essay

Objectives of an organizations public relations department - Essay Example The first recognized and agreed upon definition of public relations was given by Edward Bernays who said that public relations was a management function that studies and records public attributes, lays down policies, strategies and procedures with a view to the aspirations of the organization, which is implemented by the setting into motion a sequence of actions capable of achieving a positive public perception and acceptance. One of the major tasks of any public relations wings of modern organizations is to maintain up-to-date information on the public opinion. This is usually achieved by the public relations wing by way of surveys and opinion polls that obtain responses in the form of various questions that aim at understanding the public perception towards a particular entity of interest to the company. In the modern age, such information is often conducted on a global scale and the information is routed and collected using various technologies of the day such as through the Inter net and through satellite means (Paul Baines, John Egan, 2004). In fact, the Internet has evolved as the single largest medium for understanding public perception by most public relations establishments. In addition to the simplicity involved in conducting online polls, the speed and efficiency with which the obtained information can be processed and viewed for required results has resulted in a rapid rise in the use of cyberspace for most public relations initiatives. Apart from these two approaches, public relations also cover the aspect of popularizing any product or service of the organization by introducing them and their inherent capabilities and functionalities to the customer. This is done by using phone based campaigns, advertising and online promotion. The public relations society of America had the following to comment on the utilities of public relations (Jane Johnston, Clara Zawawi, 2004): "Examples of the knowledge that may be required in the professional practice of public relations include communication arts, psychology, social psychology, sociology, political science, economics, and the principles of management and ethics. Technical knowledge and skills are required for opinion research, public issues analysis, media relations, direct mail, institutional advertising, publications, film/video productions, special events, speeches, and presentations." Thus, from the above definition, it can be well understood that operating under public relations requires the individual to possess certain skills that cover many domains from management to technical knowledge to psychology. Public relations are so vital to the prospects o a company and its vision, more so for the ones that are constantly under the public eye, so much so that any company would have a certain

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Indispensability of Business Simulation Exercise Essay

The Indispensability of Business Simulation Exercise - Essay Example The team has not worked well as it was expected to. There has been a lack of cohesion, lack of a collective attitude and members have rarely communicated to share on individuals’ progress and challenges that have faced them in the simulation process. We have also lacked identifiable qualities of good teams that perform collectively. The group’s inability to merge its potentials eliminated positive effects of diversity, effects that promote collaborative work towards successful outputs. This means that our individual output levels have been less than the level of quality that we could have achieved had we incorporated ourselves into a single group and explored our knowledge for completing the simulation (Belbin 2012, n.p). The lack of teamwork also undermined interdependence for encouragements and motivation (A & amp; C Black 2009, 14- 15). The team’s weak collectiveness also identifies communication challenges as a barrier to cohesion. This is because the team me mbers have never communicated with each other. Only one member has been effective in communication. Lack of interest in each other’s contribution, poor attitudes, and cultural differences are possible causes of the realized poor communication into a less collective team (Means 2009, p. 12). The team did not illustrate significant signs of strength because even its existence was not felt in facilitating its objective. It however communicated diversified weaknesses that range from leadership, managerial and communication inefficiencies. Poor communication was a major factor because members, except one person, did not make efforts to consult with other team members on the simulation’s scope.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Caroline Doctrine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Caroline Doctrine - Essay Example As a result, they believed the conduct of the British force had been, under the circumstances, justifiable by the Law of Nations1. Harrison administration was of the opinion that while the Constitution of the United States created very clear fields of jurisdiction, Federal Government was the one concerned with foreign relations and as a result it was to intervene with the State of New York and obtain the release of a foreign national. NATIONAL SECURITY AND INTELLIGENCE POLICY "What an immense mass of evil must have result from allowing men to anticipate what might happen" Leo Tolstoy. Hans Blix, Chair of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, stated that it would be a violation of international law to take military action against Iran in response to its pending nuclear weapons program because such action would fail to comply with the international law doctrine of self-defense against imminent attack2. However, if so, the international community should revisit this doctrine in the context of nuclear counter-proliferation to ensure that there is a legal and practical doctrine of international self-defense. This has influenced the Americans allot when Caroline doctrine was cited with approval by Iraq. Therefore, the Caroline doctrine was to be modified for purposes of counter-proliferation3. The practical inability to sufficiently eliminate a nuclear threat once a nuclear weapons program by an aggressor state has been fully developed. For instance, taking the actual words used in the NSS itself, various commentators describe the situation as preemptive self-defense or rather Bush doctrine. However, others think that the NSS can be interpreted as promoting the doctrine of preventive self-defense which a number of present writers are in agreement with. present writers hold a belief that the term anticipatory self-defense is well documented and

Friday, July 26, 2019

Politisc Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Politisc - Research Proposal Example The independent variable is gender, age, level of interest in elections, bases to pick political party, level of trust in British politicians and opinion regarding effectiveness of voting. The questionnaire is to include all of the independent and dependent variables. The answers of the questionnaire are entered in the SPSS processor for statistical analysis. The data obtained from the questionnaire will be a mix of categorical and numerical. The categorical data will be gender, interest in elections, bases to pick party, opinion of effectiveness of voting, party to vote for. This categorical data will be enumerated and encoded in order to reflect the level of intensity of each category. This code is later used in the statistical engine to infer logical assumptions from the data. The numerical data to be used is age and level of trust of the British politicians. From the above table it is evident that the trust level for the British politicians is 4.3 on a scale from zero to ten. The standard deviation is 2.61 indicating that almost 75% of the sample trusts their politicians at a level from 1.7 to 6.9. The following figure demonstrates the distribution of the level of trust among sample tested. An alpha value of .05 is chosen to accept or reject the null hypothesis. The hypothesis to be tested is the level of dependence of the variable vote on the independent variables gender, age, level of interest in elections, bases to pick political party, level of

Division of Time table Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Division of Time table - Essay Example 300 min/wk General Science Biology Chemistry History & Social Studies 750 min/wk 750 min/wk 750 min/wk History Eastern History Western History Arts 100 min/wk 100 min/wk 200 min/wk Music Traditional Music Regional Music Humanities Livelihood 100 min/wk 100 min/wk 100 min/wk Home Economics Work Education Entrepreneurship Technology Integrated w/ above 100 min/wk 100 min/wk Computers Internet & Website Design, Computer Game Development Animation Health & Physical Education 100 min/wk 100 min/wk 100 min/wk Sports - Swimming Sports - Volleyball Sports - Basketball, Soccer Values 100 min/wk 100 min/wk 100 min/wk Values Values Values Explanation of Curriculum According to the U.S. Department of Education (2008), the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 is an act to "close the achievement gap with accountability, flexibility, and choice, so that no child is left behind" It includes important provisions which specifically address mathematics, reading and language arts, and science, at the very least. As such different states have formulated their own academic standards to comply with the No Child Left Behind Act. In the Pennsylvania Code (2008), planned instruction for every year for K-2nd grade should include language arts, integrating reading, writing, phonics, spelling, listening, speaking, literature and grammar, and information management, including library skills; mathematics, including problem-solving and computation skills; science and technology education, involving active learning experiences for students; environment and ecology education, involving active learning experiences for students; social studies with civics and government, economics, geography and history; health, safety and physical education, including instruction in concepts and... afety and physical education, including instruction in concepts and skills which affect personal, family and community health and safety, nutrition, the prevention of alcohol, chemical and tobacco abuse, knowledge and practice of lifetime physical activities, personal fitness, basic movement skills and concepts, motor skill development, principles and strategies of movement, and safety practices in physical activity settings; the arts, including active learning experiences in art, music, dance and theatre. Planned instruction for 3rd to 5th grade shall include all the previously stated learning areas for K to 2nd grade, with the addition of instruction about agriculture and agricultural science within the science and technology and environment and ecology learning areas; and the understanding and use of library and other information sources.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Remote Sensing Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Remote Sensing Project - Research Paper Example They also encompass chemical sensors that are used to analyze the intensity of elements in the air, biological sensors are useful in USGS in scientific research is the initials for United States Geological Survey. Scientist who use the United States Geological Survey have the capability of capturing the landscape and learning more about its natural resources and anything else that harms it. USGS focuses on land, its use and change, ecosystems, minerals, energy, natural hazards and environmental health. Drones can be used in scientific research both during the day and night. An object can be observed, measured and identified without direct contact with the satellite. Some of the remote sensing data include multispectral data, satellite imagery, space sensing and digital elevation data. In this process of observing the earth, one needs a device called a USGS earth explorer, (Lillesand, pg.87). In this case, the earth’s data such as maps, satellite data, and land cover products are searched and found online. Remote sensing images are put in digital images. In order for the researcher to be able to get the information that he or she wants, image processing has to be done so as to get the visual interpretation of the image. (Campbell, pg.113). Commercial aerial surveillance is a major area where this topic has been applied previously. This function has been known to enhance security in homes, wildfire mapping, pipeline issues, in roads and when conducting anti-piracy. All objects on earth can be automatically detected and by this doing a scientist is able to achieve his objectives, (James, pg 200). Drones have both biometric and facial recognition systems and therefore are able to recognize a person from a height of 1500 feet. They are used in this case to patrol above 400 feet to prevent possibilities of unlawful immigration or terrorists attack from a countries

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A Memorable Football Match Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A Memorable Football Match - Essay Example The researcher started playing the game at the age of 7 where he uses to play with the friends who have similar kind of enthusiasm towards the sport. They continued to play in the same manner for the next three years forming a team where all the players were from their own locality and almost similar to one another in terms of age. They used to play matches with teams of other locality. Those days has kept the author engaged in watching as well as playing the football game. His concentration towards studies trembled up to an extent which showed in his academic performances. However, the researcher must mention that he cared a little about these aspects during those days. His interest and enthusiasm for the game augmented rapidly in course of time and it continued likewise till he was 12 years of age. It was the last week of the summer of 2005 and the weather was best suited for playing the game of football. Every year during this time, the local authority organizes a soccer competiti on inviting teams from various regions of the district. It was one of the most prestigious and followed football competitions in the district. Their team was aspiring to participate in this event since a longer tenure but was unable to do the same because of their age which does not match up the eligibility criteria which allows the age group of 12-15 years. That year their team was about to participate in the competition owing to the aspect that there were no age barrier for us anymore. The researcher’s first match was scheduled on the 3rd day of the competition with one of the toughest and most competitive teams of the tournament. His teammates were worried about this fact but the author had some feeling altogether. The researcher was not aware of what his teammates were felling about the match but for him, it was probably an all-new experience awaiting. There are some reasons owing to which the author depicted this match as an experience. This was the first he was about to play a football match in front of thousands of spectators coming from various regions of the district. This was also about to be the first moment when his game would be aired on the local television network. The D-day arrived and expectedly, thousands of spectators gathered to witness the match and the local television network was also about to telecast the same. A feeling of nervousness and anxiety was running through the author’s head. As they walked into the stadium, the roar of around 4 thousand spectators’ altogether greeted them. Although, the capacity of the stadium was quite less as compared to a usual national and international football grounds, for the researcher, the cheer of this handful number of spectators gave the feeling of playing in front of millions. The match started with a kick on the ball from the opposition team. With the passage of time, the enthusiasm of the spectators augmented considerably. The researcher must mention that his performance th roughout the match was mediocre and was unable to put the ball into the net on a single occasion. The match ended as a draw, where both the teams were scoring one goal each.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Enforcement of entertainment laws Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Enforcement of entertainment laws - Essay Example Compensation Agents earn a compensation for their services at between 5% and 15% of the artist gross earnings from bookings, engagement, or employment secured by the agent. The commission given to the agent may vary depending on the type of work, length of time, popularity of the artist, and state laws. Some state laws stipulate that agents and talent agencies must obtain licences before obtaining commissions, and may be charge a particular maximum amount. Before agents represent an artist, they have to sign contracts (Ronald, 2008). According to Harrison, (2007), attorneys usually assist the artists in handling any contractual negotiations on their behalf, to be certain that the terms of an agreement such as fees and duration are favourable to the artist. Talent agents can sometimes act as managers with no licence and experience, and may negotiate contracts such as recording, publishing, or merchandising contracts for the artist, is like practising law without a licence which can je opardize the artist’s career. Contracts in the music entertainment industry can involve extremely complex legal issues such as a variety of rights, and usually have long term effects on the artist’s career. Conflict of interest may arise where an agent is being paid commission on the artist’s contract. This may make the agents focus on the advance money, at the expense of what they may assume as many details concerning the artist’s royalty calculations, publishing, creative control, production, merchandising, and other long term career issues of the artist. 2.3 Enforcement of entertainment laws State laws, such as California and New York require talent agents to obtain a licence as a form of the artist... This "Music Industry Management (Entertainment Law: Portfolio)" essay outlines the main components of entertainment law. The participation of lawyers in the media has made the media law develop much faster thereby leading to the development of entertainm ent law. Entertainment law refers to a combination of various traditional laws that focus on the provision of legal services to the players in the entertainment industry. The entertainment law combines various slaws such as company law, contract law, and sales of goods law. It is also noteworthy that, artist just setting in business, or fully established in the entertainment industry should consider having an entertainment lawyer in addition to having proper knowledge of their rights as an artist. The entertainment law firms all have different practices as most of the entertainment lawyers have varying areas of specialisation. It is therefore the onus of the artist to identify their needs be it litigation need (litigation attorneys) and or transactional needs (for the transactional attorneys). While the litigation attorney only specialise in defensive and offensive legal action, the transactional attorney s are responsible for facilitating entertainment deals, negotiations, strategi c initiatives as wells as other contractual issues. It is also advisable for artist to running contracts with entertainment law firms in order to enjoy complete legal coverage and legal representation. This should happen before and after legal issues arise because one entertainment lawyer may not provide the perfect coverage.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Harrison Bergeron Essay Example for Free

Harrison Bergeron Essay In the short story, â€Å"Harrison Bergeron†, Kurt Vonnegut portrays a society in which â€Å"everyone is equal†. Through the efforts of the Handicapper General, all persons who were endowed with anything more than moderate talents are forced to wear various devices meant to make everyone equal, intellectually and physically. Through showing his audience what a truly â€Å"equal† society could be, as well as how government could regulate equality, Kurt Vonnegut clearly makes the point that truly equality leads to a loss of true individuality within a society. Each person in society has talents that another does not, which is what creates diversity in our communities and careers. By removing this diversity from society by making every person equal, the government is inviting its own demise. The first example of how idealistic equality creates a lack of individuality is in the scene where George and Hazel Bergeron are watching ballerinas on television. George notes, â€Å"They weren’t really very good – no better than anybody else would have been, anyway†. By leveling the playing field, and forcing ballerinas to wear weights and masks to hide their talent and beauty, the Handicapper General has taken away from the dancers their unique talents for dancing and eliminating any competition between ballerinas. If all dancers must be equal, this eliminates the need for any one ballerina to spend extra time practicing, or trying to be a better ballerina. This, in turn, could create a less than desirable work ethic, as the ballerinas do not have to work as hard to be competitive. As Philip Fetzer explains, â€Å"†¦ even if it were possible to create a society based on equality of ability, it would not be desirable to do so. A society without differences of ability would generate no leaders, no great works of art or literature, no new ideas. The society would quickly stagnate†. The second instance in which Vonnegut shows his readers the impact of an equal society is when George and Hazel are talking about what society would be like without handicaps to make everyone equal. George cannot think for more than a few seconds at a time because of the handicap that he must wear in his ear, to distract him from his thoughts by blaring loud noises at random. All people who have above â€Å"average† intelligence are required to wear such a device to eliminate any unfair intellectual advantage over others. However, by scaring off the thoughts of truly intelligent people, the government is also creating a society in which nothing will ever change. Without the truly intelligent men and women in any society, there are no new inventions or new ideas that, in the past, have revolutionized a society. By making all people intellectually equal, the government and the society itself will remain unchanged and unadvanced. Ironically, George believes that without handicaps to keep everyone equal, â€Å"pretty soon we’d be right back to the dark ages again, with everybody competing against everybody else†. However, without competition, society would revert to the dark ages, unable to compete with other societies and develop new technology and innovation. As Christopher Alexion points out, human beings must be careful with creating equality, because of the risk of taking it â€Å"to extremes that eventually destroy whatever it was we were trying to protect. Thats why our efforts toward equality need vitally to be guided by a love of liberty. Naked equality is just another name for tyranny – for if everyones going to be equal in all aspects, then no one can really be free†. The final example of the effect of a truly equal society occurs when Harrison Bergeron appears on television with all of his clanking weights and extreme handicaps. Harrison is athletic and intelligent, and has an obscene amount of handicaps because of this. Harrison attempts to overthrow the government, by declaring himself â€Å"the Emperor†, and removing all of his handicaps, as well as those of his chosen Empress. By having independent thoughts and beliefs, Harrison leads his own revolution in an attempt to change society for the better. Harrison sees that the constant equality means that people are no longer competitive, and he decides to try to change that. However, he is killed by the government in the process, and any dreams of change die with him. As Steven Saus notes, â€Å"The maximization of human potential and the potential of society can only be achieved by allowing all individuals to have the best opportunity to succeed within the limits of their primary characteristics†. Any person who has new ideas or tries to initiate change within an equal society would be met with the same fate, and consequently, nothing would ever change. By creating a society in which every person is equal, Kurt Vonnegut is able to show his readers how devastating to a society equality could be. At a time when political correctness is a must, and society strives for equality, it is easy to see how true equality could lead to a lack of diversity and competition within a society. Although Vonnegut’s society was a fictional one, a society similar to the one in â€Å"Harrison Bergeron† would become a stagnant and unmotivated environment, falling behind in innovation and invention. Ultimately, the equality in this story will lead to the demise of the society.

DI-MS Technique for Analyzing Protein and Peptide Sequences

DI-MS Technique for Analyzing Protein and Peptide Sequences Food Industrial Application DI-MS technique has been widely applied in food industry as it is an easy and high-throughput tool for analyzing protein and peptide sequences, studying the components or structure in food, monitoring the contamination in food. FAB-MS In the study by Terzi, Boyot, Dorsselear, Luu and Trifilieff (1990), the amino acid sequence of a new 6.8 kDa proteolipid from beef heart was determined by employed FAB-MS. The study isolated and purified the 6.8 kDa proteolipid from an acidic methanol/chloroform extract of bovine cardiac muscle, and subsequently analyzed it with the application Cs atom beam of FAB-MS in 1-thioglycerol matrix. The result showed a protonated molecular ion [M+H]+ at m/z 6834.1 and indicated that it have about 60 residues. The 60 residues in the polypeptide were cleaved into three peptide fragments CN1, CN2 and CN3. To characterize these cleavage peptides from amino acid composition, the CN1 and CN2 were ionized using the FAB-MS that performed with Xe atom beam and 1-thioglycerol matrix while the CN3 which also dissolved in 1-thioglycerol was collided by Cs atom beam to produce sample ions. Table 1.0: Chemical mass of cleavage peptides Cleavage peptides Measured mass [M+H]+ [M+Na]+ CN1 1539.0 1560.9 CN2 2100.5 2121.8 CN3 3134.6 From the analysis of the cleavage peptides, the amino acid sequence and peptide fragments of the 6.8 kDa proteolipid were reported as: MLQSLIKKVWIPMKPYYTQAYQEIWVGTGLMAYIVYKIRSADKRSKALKASS 1 CN1 13 14 CN2 31 32 CN3 AAPAHGHH 60 In addition, the FAB-MS technique was applied to determine the structure of the Lycium chinense Miller fruits (Gou-Qi-Zi) in combination with NMR and IR spectroscopy (Chung, Ali, Praveen, Yu, Kim, Ahmad, 2014). L. chinense fruit is a valuable tonic or food, hence there are many researches have been reported to display the properties the L.chinense fruit. For example, the anticancer, antibacterial and antioxidant properties (Lee et al., 2005; Wang, Chang, Inbaraj. Chen, 2010; Zhang et al., 2011) and the antihepatotoxic activity and chemical constituents (Chin et al., 2003; Kim et al., 1997). In the research, the four new compounds (i, ii, iii and iv) that isolated from L. chinense fruits were characterized using the FAB-MS (JMS-700) spectrometer. The antioxidant activity of the four compounds was further studied and it demonstrated that the activity of the compounds followed the order 1423. Table 2.0: Characterization of compound (i) to (iv) Mass Species m/z Detected species Suggestion Compound (i) [M+H]+ 817 C40H65O17 -aromatic acid glycosidic ester 283 [CH3(CH2)16COO]+ -steric acid was esterified with one phenolic group 267 [CH3(CH2)16CO]+ 414 [C15H26O13]+ -three arabinose units bind to one phenolic group 265 [C10H17O8]+ 133 [C5H9O4]+ Compound (ii) [M+H]+ 1165 C50H85O30 -susquiterpene glycoside ester 265 [C10H17O8]+ -few arabinose units bind to the sesquiterpene moiety 223 [C14H27CO]+ 133 [C5H8O5]+ Compound (iii) [M]+ 1309 C58H100O32 -hexaglycoside 341 [C12H21O11]+ -six hexose sugar units bind to each other -unsaturated fatty acid located at terminal position 335 [C21H39COO]+ 325 [C12H21O10]+ 319 [C12H39CO]+ 179 [C6H11O6]+ 163 [C6H11O5]+ Compound (iv) [M+H]+ 841 C31H52O26 -five arabinose units and one glucose unit 661 [C25H41O20]+ -five pentose sugar units bind to a hexose sugar 529 [C25H41O20-C5H8O4]+ 281 [C10H17O9]+ TOF-SIMS TOF-SIMS which widely applied in surface analysis is an important technique for monitoring the contamination in food as the usage of pesticides and fungicide in the agriculture practice will alter and compromise the food quality. The study used TOF-SIMS technique to characterize and compare three different groups of Seggianese olives which classified as untreated (UT), treated with insecticide (dimethoate) and fungicide (copper oxychloride) without washing (TU) and treated with insecticide and fungicide with washing with cold water (TW) (Focardi, et al., 2006). Before measuring the molecular masses of three different groups of olives, the mass calibration was done by using CH3+, C2H3+ and C3H5+ peaks as calibration compounds for positive ions C, CH and C2H peaks as calibration compounds for negative ions. The SIMS data proved the chemical treatments modify the surface composition of olive, resulting in higher intensity signals in TU compared with TW or UT olive spectra. Besides, the intensity of UT and TW olives showed a small variance between each other, demonstrating the washing process was no effective in removing of insecticides and fungicides that will stimulate the composition alterations of olives. Table 3.0: Intensity of few relevant peaks from three different olive samples Peaks Mass peak m/z Attribution Intensity TU olive TW olive UT olive Positive 31.018 CH3O+ 4.23 10-4 6.93 10-5 1.12 10-4 57.074 C4H9+ 1.18 10-2 5.92 10-3 5.08 10-3 73.051 C4H9O+ 7.83 10-4 3.34 10-4 3.08 10-4 147.082 C6H14NOP+ / C6H13NOS+ 2.42 10-4 7.37 10-5 2.93 10-5 Negative 15.994 O 1.13 10-4 2.30 10-3 7.20 10-3 17.002 OH 1.19 10-4 4.42 10-3 5.44 10-3 31.972 S 5.24 10-4 1.99 10-5 1.47 10-5 MALDI-TOF/TOF MS MALDI-MS is a widespread analytical tool for proteins, peptides and oligonucleotides as it offers high ion yields of the intact analyte samples, high sensitivity and accuracy (Lewis, Wei, Siuzdak, 2000). In year 2012, a research about the peptide of peanut hydrolysate has the properties of umami taste had reported by Su, Cui, Zheng, Yang, Ren Zhao. Umami taste is known as the fifth basic taste and it usually described as savory or MSG-like taste. In the study, two novel umami and umami-enhancing peptides were isolated from peanut hydrolysate, purified using chromatography and identified by MALDI-TOF/TOF MS. The analysis of peptides was performed by MALDI-MS equipped with 337nm of UV nitrogen laser and matrix solution as sinapic acid saturated in 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid and acetonitrile. The MALDI-TOF/TOF MS was used to sequence the two novel peptides that termed as P3 and P4 as they produce umami taste. It found that the molecular mass of P3 and P4 was 1091.419 Da and 965.595 Da respectively and the amino sequence of P3 is EGSEAPDGSSR while P4 is SSRDEQSR. Bibliography Chung, I. M., Ali, M., Praveen, N., Yu, B. R., Kim, S. H., Ahmad, A. (2014). New polyglucopyranosyl and polyarabinopyranosyl of fatty acid derivatives from the fruits of Lycium chinense and its antioxidant activity. Food Chemistry, 435-443. Focardi, S., Ristori, S., Mazzuoli, S., Tognazzi, A., Leach-Scampavia, D., Castner, D. G., et al. (2006). ToF-SIMS and PCA studies of Seggianese olives and olive oil. Colloids and Surfaces, 225-232. Lewis, J. K., Wei, J., Siuzdak, G. (2000). Matrix-assited laser desorption/iomization mass spectrometry in peptide and protein analysis. Chichester: John Wiley Sons Ltd. Su, G., Cui, C., Zheng, L., Yang, B., Ren, J., Zhao, M. (2012). Isolation and identification of two novel umami and umami-enhancing peptides from peanut hydrolysate by consecutive chromatography and MALDI-TOF/TOF MS. Food Chemistry, 479-485. Terzi, E., Boyot, P., Dorsselear, A. V., Luu, B., Trifilieff, E. (1990). Isolation and amino acid sequence of a novel 6.8-kDa mitochondrial proteolipid from beef heart. FABS Letters, 122-126. Conclusion In food industry, the analysis of protein and peptide can be performed well by using MALDI-MS and FAB-MS while the application of SIMS is mostly used for detecting the surface of contaminated food. Besides, the structure of the components in foods can also be identified by using the FAB-MS combined with NMR and IR spectroscopies.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Solution To Hanjin Problems Information Technology Essay

Solution To Hanjin Problems Information Technology Essay Shipping by its nature is a very competitive and a very complex industry. Martin Stopford, 1997 Shipping companies have to operate on a global scale and manage offices all around the world and work with a diverse work force. Merchant shipping is one of the most highly regulated industries in the world. Hence information systems play a very important role in the management of the shipping company. In this essay we will analyse a case study of how Hanjin shipping used information systems grow as a leading shipping company. Hanjin is a global transportation and Logistics Company. (Hanjin shipping, 2010).The company operates around 200 ships, mainly container vessels, gas tankers and bulk carriers. Hanjin ships are trading worldwide. Hanjin transport cargo to more than 100million tons a year to 6000 destinations worldwide. (Hanjin shipping, 2010) Companys sales network includes 200 international branch offices and 30 corporations. Over all the company is expanding rapidly on a global sca le and is also venturing into new shipping related business. Business problems Hanjin was increasing its global operations by opening new container terminals, buying new large ships, going in alliance with container lines. Hanjin lacked the logistics required to be competent in the container industry. Its 10 year old ERP systems lacked functionality and flexibility required to operate such a complex and big organisation (Oracle 2008). Hanjin understood that without end to end logistics solutions they cannot compete in container business. Hanjin also faced problems controlling procurement costs and to meet the global regulatory requirements (Oracle 2008). The data collection system was done manually and hence it was time consuming and prone to errors. Hanjin have a work force of around 4000 which are employed all around the world. It was increasing difficult for Hanjin to manage such a large and diverse work force. Solution to Hanjin problems As a solution to the problems Hanjin was facing due to its global expansion it decided to launch Process innovation project. The process innovation purpose was to establish advanced management structure and strengthening its organisational capabilities. (Sustainability report, 2006). The project applied to business process and organization structure as well as the corporate cultures based on adopting the advanced IT infrastructure. (Sustainability report, 2006, p.27). Hanjin decided to re-engineer their business process using best practice models for their ERP systems so as to gain global competitiveness. This system was going to be a long term solution, it will not directly show on balance sheet but it will be platform for launching new business projects (Business report 2006). Hanjin also decided to shift to customer based business by ensuring good service and increased customer satisfaction. Process Innovation Project The process innovation project team was assembled in October 2004 and then they spent 5 months for mapping the new systems and the process. The project will be implemented gradually on a step by step basis. The process innovation project was to be implemented during a period of 3 years. Source: (Hanjin Sustainability report, 2008, pg.27) The main aim of process innovation was to be customer centred and a profitability oriented management company. The information system used to re-in force the organisational capabilities and will prepare the management to be more customers focused. The information system development contracts were given to companies which were best in the business (Oracle, 2008). ERP was given to ORACLE while others were given to Siebel and Hyperion. During the process of project Oracle acquired Siebel and Hyperion which resulted in seamless integration and customer support. (Oracle, 2008). Information Systems (ERP) Enterprise Resource planning: Enterprise system integrates the key business processes into single system. In this system the flow of information is seamless throughout the organisation (Laudon laudon, 2007). Hanjins Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Internal system Internal system Source: Author generated Hanjin integrated business process such as finance and accounting, capital asset planning, human resource, procurement process. They used these for smooth flow of information in their internal system. The companys senior management was involved in the projects implementation. The Managing director and CIO of Hanjin Shipping said that To improve our global competitiveness, we needed an IT solution that supported extensive process reengineering (Oracle, 2008, pg.1). Hanjin decided to invest about 57.7 million USD on this project. They standardised the management and data collections methods, restructured the flow of data between their business systems and prepared a dictionary so as to make it easier for the staff to follow new system. As the system was implemented on a step by step basis, gradually the staff could see the benefits of the system and they were not resilient to changes, but they were will to share information in between different divisions. Company also adopted other bes t practice guidelines such as training and educating the staff, use of software support and maintenance. Benefits of Information system Source: (Hanjin Sustainability report, 2008, pg.27) The above diagram is explained using the generic model of 6Cs for explaining business benefits. Lower Cost: The e-sourcing system assisted them to procure products from a list of suppliers and they were benefited from competitive pricing which resulted in procurement costs. Cost saving per customer was increased due to increased efficiency (Oracle, 2008). Improved Communication: As the data was consolidated into a single system, hence staff gained an integrated view of operations (Oracle, 2008). Improved Management Control: New ERP systems and re-engineering process helped in improved business management. This gave the managers a complete view of the companys operations and also equipped the staff with detailed information they required to plan, execute and evaluate complex initiatives. The managers were also able to make decisions and ensure problems were addressed immediately. Performance evaluation was easier and could be easily done on a global basis and medium and long term strategy planning could be done due to data availability. (Oracle, 2008) New Capability: HR platform helped in improving the efficiency of the department. The new system helped the managers to view complete history of the staff and also discard applications. This resulted in increased efficiency of HR staff which could focus more on attracting and retaining skilled employees and also train them. (Oracle, 2008) Improved Customer Service: Due to its service network it could respond faster to customers demands. Detailed sales and marketing plans could be developed. (Oracle, 2008) Competitive Advantage: Hanjin got the recognition of a reliable logistics partner. (Sustainability report, 2008). In April 2008 Hanjin got the highest awards in logistics in Korea. (Sustainability report, 2008). Future business plans The project improved the overall performance of the company process. In future company aims to invest more in their IT systems which aims to complement their management systems as well as front office work. (Business report 2007). As the internal system implementation was completed the company now is ready to develop shipping/logistics related business which will become the companys next driving forces. Banking on their internal system they are stepping closer to become a Global logistics company. They are also planning to expand its 3PL (3rd party logistics) business by extending its global network (Hanjin Shipping, 2008). In line with their Process Innovation project they have also launched another project Knowledge management. (Sustainability report, 2008) Conclusion: The project taken by Hanjin to rebuild its business process by the use of information systems was strategically very important. Hanjin is a global organisation with different functions, organisational levels and many business processes; hence ERP system was the correct choice of information system. This project became the base to implement advance business process which complement their information systems and also increase the efficiency of the company. It helped the company to be more customers focused which is a key strategy in current times. They could venture into new aspects of business such as logistics. The selection of Oracle and Siebel was also correct because they were the best in the business. Hanjin made correct decision by integrating all systems together. The acquisition of Siebel and Hyperion by Oracle ensured that the systems have seamless integration and continuous support. The information systems which they used were in line with their business strategies which res ulted in success of the project.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Whats Equality? Essay -- Racial Relations, History of Equality

This essay has three main parts; it will attempt to provide an answer to the question. What is equality? The term equality has many connotations in the English language; therefore, it will be necessary to use it in the societal context. It will be required to take a brief look at the history of equality using examples and references from such writers as Marx, and Tawney. Following on, a more current outline will be used to provide a more up to date perspective. The assignment will then proceed to give a definition, with examples, to the meaning of equal opportunity. For the purpose this essay the, more, general term will be used to describe equal opportunity. Attention will also be paid to the relevant legislation that underpins equal opportunities within modern day society. The essay will go on to a critical discussion on how equality is applied in society, or not as the case may be. The discussion will include comparisons from main stream political parties and where the student fe els necessary, examples, and consideration will be given throughout to the views of service users and members of the public. This is intended to provide depth and insight into how equality and equal opportunities affect certain sections of society. Finally, this assignment will conclude with a comprehensive summary of the essay. The history of equality can be traced back many years. Aristotle and Plato, Greek philosophers, had many views on the balance between the free-thinking worth of individuals versus the needs of society to be led by the best and smartest. For Marxists, the backbone of Marxism is equality the root of all inequality is capitalism, providing differences of wealth, wages, living conditions education and housing. A society that i... ...he various writers and student. However, equality is such a varied concept no one idea could accurately demonstrate what equality is. Equality is many things to different people. As long as the words respect and fairness are included the definition is not far from being accurate. Secondly, the essay looked at the meaning of equal opportunities. The essay provided an insight into the legislation that underpins equal opportunities and also how it impacts on society. Finally, the essay gave a discussion, with examples, of how equality works within society. This has included observations from service users and members of the public. It was generally perceived that there are still inequalities in today’s modern society, mainly towards the poorer member of society. It was also accepted that these inequalities would remain in the present economic climate. What's Equality? Essay -- Racial Relations, History of Equality This essay has three main parts; it will attempt to provide an answer to the question. What is equality? The term equality has many connotations in the English language; therefore, it will be necessary to use it in the societal context. It will be required to take a brief look at the history of equality using examples and references from such writers as Marx, and Tawney. Following on, a more current outline will be used to provide a more up to date perspective. The assignment will then proceed to give a definition, with examples, to the meaning of equal opportunity. For the purpose this essay the, more, general term will be used to describe equal opportunity. Attention will also be paid to the relevant legislation that underpins equal opportunities within modern day society. The essay will go on to a critical discussion on how equality is applied in society, or not as the case may be. The discussion will include comparisons from main stream political parties and where the student fe els necessary, examples, and consideration will be given throughout to the views of service users and members of the public. This is intended to provide depth and insight into how equality and equal opportunities affect certain sections of society. Finally, this assignment will conclude with a comprehensive summary of the essay. The history of equality can be traced back many years. Aristotle and Plato, Greek philosophers, had many views on the balance between the free-thinking worth of individuals versus the needs of society to be led by the best and smartest. For Marxists, the backbone of Marxism is equality the root of all inequality is capitalism, providing differences of wealth, wages, living conditions education and housing. A society that i... ...he various writers and student. However, equality is such a varied concept no one idea could accurately demonstrate what equality is. Equality is many things to different people. As long as the words respect and fairness are included the definition is not far from being accurate. Secondly, the essay looked at the meaning of equal opportunities. The essay provided an insight into the legislation that underpins equal opportunities and also how it impacts on society. Finally, the essay gave a discussion, with examples, of how equality works within society. This has included observations from service users and members of the public. It was generally perceived that there are still inequalities in today’s modern society, mainly towards the poorer member of society. It was also accepted that these inequalities would remain in the present economic climate.

Friday, July 19, 2019

My Great-grandmother Was Not A Person :: essays research papers

My Great-Grandmother was not a Person My Great-Grandmother was not a person. Neither was yours. Up until about 67 years ago no females were. We were supposed to be pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen. At least that's the perception that the laws enforced. (For ex: The Election Act of the Dominion of Canada and The Common Law of England) As part of the British Commonwealth many of our laws were the same as England's and enforced by British parliament. One such law from the Common Law of England stated that "A woman is not a person in matters of rights and privileges, but she is a person in matters of pains and penalties." This gave women second class citizenship. Women were not recognized as equals to men, even though the expectations of women were such that the work load was equal if not greater. As pioneer women we built homes, raised families, maintained the homestead, hunted food, fought natives, made clothes, cooked, cleaned, as well as the many manual labour jobs that men held. For example, women worked in coal mines, armories, and aided the war effort via the manufacturing industry, such as factorys. If this is what is determeined as equality then women were getting the short end of the stick and men were receiving all of the benifit. This perception still holds strong today, although not as strongly. Men said that women were to fragile to vote. Yet no man has ever experienced labor pains. Furthermore no man has fought any battle that was as hard as the one the famous five women have fought. The Election Act of the Dominion of Canada states that "No woman, idiot, lunatic, or criminal shall vote." So women are equal to criminals? It's not a crime to be a woman. We should not be judged by our sex. On April 19, 1916 women in Alberta were granted the right to vote. A small battle was won. Five Canadian women have conquered countries and nations for their rights. When questionning the wording of "qualified persons to the senate" the Supreme Court of Canada rejected that the word "persons" included women. This battle was lost but the war was won when the Privy Council of England (the highest court in the land) ruled that the word "persons" included women. That was the 18th of October, 1929. The famous five women are: Irene Perlby, Nellie McClung, Henrietta Muir Edwards, Louise McKinney, and Emily Murphy. These women have fought a battle of sexism that is of historic importance. Millions of women in Canada have these

Multiple Sclerosis Essay -- essays research papers

Multiple sclerosis, or MS, is a disease of the central nervous system. The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal cord. Both have nerve fibers that are wrapped in a myelin sheath. In MS, the myelin sheath becomes inflamed and gradually is destroyed. With the destruction of the myelin sheath comes an array of symptoms that may include numbness or tingling, balance problems, weakness, muscle spasms, and blurred vision.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anyone can develop MS, but many patients share the following characteristics. The majority experiences their first symptoms between ages 20 and 40. Caucasians are more than twice as likely as other races to develop MS. MS is two to three times more common in women as in men. MS is five times more common in temperate climates like those of the northern US, Canada, and Europe. And people whose close relatives have MS are more susceptible to developing the disease, but there is no evidence the disease is directly inherited.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No single test detects MS, which makes it difficult to diagnose. Symptoms can mimic those of a number of other conditions and they can change depending on the area of the central nervous system that loses myelin. Some symptoms of MS are numbness or tingling in parts of the body, usually an arm or leg, unexplained weakness, dizziness, and fatigue, and blurry vision, double vision or blindness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To diagnose the disease, healthcare providers...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Plato’s Republic

Thrasymachus takes the cynical but honest view, that there is more benefit in plainly appearing just than there is in actual being just. He does not necessarily refer to hypocritical villains, those who deliberately nurture a veneer of a socially just man in order to reap personal benefit. He could also be referring to those who have convinced themselves that they are good, apart from society recognizing them as good. As an example of the first we could take Moliere’s Tartuffe. He has entered the household of Orgon with deliberate intent to appropriate for himself the property of his landlord. He takes note of the superficial natures of Orgon and his mother, both of them who are fond of shows of piety and uttering platitudes. He tailors his conduct exactly to please these two. He makes sure that religion is always pouring from his lips. His conduct is always immaculate in the presence of them, and he is never short of advice to the others, who hold him is various degrees of suspicion, regarding the pious and just life. Tartuffe is not only a hypocrite but also a calculating villain. He is the sort that works his way to social standing and privilege by express knowledge that the larger part of society is weak to such charms. It is easy to see that anyone in Tartuffe’s position would lose out by trying to be really just to those he encounters. The counter argument to this is that villains like Tartuffe are usually found out in the end, and therefore suffer in the long run, at the hands of the same society. For example, Tartuffe overreaches himself when he tries to seduce the wife of Orgon, while at the same time courting their daughter. When he is found out he loses the favor of Orgon, after which point he resorts to outright villainy. But when Thrasymachus argues for the appearance of virtue he also has the example of Orgon in mind. For Orgon, and even more so for his mother, the appearance of virtue is the most important thing. So important is it to them that they do not realize that they a dealing with appearances. They believe themselves to be virtuous because they abide by the rules of conventional virtue and piety. Orgon is a wealthy man, and it is clear that his wealth is derived through his ability to adapt. He has no concern whether justice is really done, but only that it should appear to be done. He is so blinded by the show of virtue of Tartuffe that he does not even suspect ulterior motives in his lodger wanting to wed his daughter. When the daughter complains he signs away his property to the lodger in a show of defiance. Of course, his blindness is the cause of his ruin in the end, which is shown for dramatic purposes. But the general argument remains, which is that the likes of Orgon prosper is society. He does enquire into true justice, and any effort in this direction would disrupt his social standing from the root. The likes of Orgon happily give charity to murderers. The vanity of giving blinds them to all other considerations. The mistake of Thrasymachus is that he considers contingent benefits and fails to arrive at a comprehensive account. To provide such an account is extremely difficult, and part of the difficulty is that the listener must have an open and enquiring mind to be able to grasp the subtleties of it. This is why Socrates (Plato) provides three different explanations of why the just life is preferable to the unjust one, and the three responses are suited to the three different attitudes of the questioners. The rich Cephalus is smug in his righteousness that he repays his debts, and that he gives to charity. He is confrontational, and therefore it is only possible to contradict his smug assertions bluntly. This is why Socrates merely asks him to consider whether the returning of a weapon to its rightful owner, a murderer, is justice. Thrasymachus is more constructive. He claims that justice is merely what the powerful impose on the weak. To this Socrates argues that all constructive activity has the powerful acting in favor of the weak, not the other way round, as Thrasymachus contends. If justice be admitted to be constructive then Thrasymachus’ is plainly wrong. The more subtle argument concerning harmony is reserved for the honest enquiries of Adeimantus and Glaucon. Justice is introduced now as a harmony in a body, where the ruling part subdues and controls the rest of the body, so that no part is in discord with another. The final notion is not easy to grasp, for it seems to imply that rulers must have complete wisdom in order to rule, for only with complete wisdom will they be infused with the sense of harmony that is required to effect justice. As a first example we take a football team. The manager of the team is the ruling part of this body. If he can effect harmony here, between all the players, and each of them with himself, then the team will win consistently. But this very success is bound to bring problems. If the team is so good that it never loses, then after a point the players lose motivation, they become complacent. Only after a few bad losses are they able to regain their efficient level again. Complacency, however, is the least evil. Success brings in its train a plethora of evils, all capable of disrupting the harmony. The players begin to nurture big egos and there are personality clashes. In dire circumstances they had all stuck together; but with success even the manager is not beyond reproach anymore. Faced with all these problems the manager becomes more and more dictatorial rather than wise, and this in itself is a cause for disruption. The same is true of any organization. A company starting from scratch is fired with a zeal that is conducive to harmony amongst its employees. But we cannot call such a company absolutely harmonious before it begins to reap enormous profits, because harmony must be equated with success. We are applying the word â€Å"harmony† in the strict sense here, meaning that something in harmony cannot have discordant parts. A company that in unprofitable is not in harmony. Only when it has reached the very top of the field can we begin to harbor such notions as perfect harmony. Then again, the higher is aspires the less and less is management able to maintain harmony. Managers themselves start to look after their own instead of the interests of the business. And so we observe in real life that managers award themselves huge pay packets even when the business is floundering. The arguments of Socrates are always in favor of universals and opposed to particulars. Particular justice, or particular virtue, will not always make sense, but this is only because the all-encompassing or universal picture evades us. Socrates confesses that he does not know what justice is, or what virtue is, or what truth is. To know these would mean having a universal idea in the mind, which is not possible. If the arguments of Socrates mean anything, they are means by which one comes to believe in the universal ideal, becomes convinced that it exists. And so one must not despair if injustice or untruth appears to have the upper hand. Skeptics may easily cast doubt on the existence of universals. They might argue along the lines that we have no experience of universals. That all experience is particular and contingent, and that it is pedantic to introduce the notion of universals. They might say that all justice is merely a point of view. Different cultures evolve with different notions of justice, and this is the principle reason why nations go to war with each other, to fight for a particular notion of justice, or for certain ideas about beauty. The skeptics might argue that if there was a universal idea of justice then it would have been discovered by now and nations would live in peace. In response to such arguments Plato would emphasize existence. For example, people use the word â€Å"table† in everyday discourse. It doesn’t seem to spread confusion, but instead facilitates understanding. But this is strange, because there is no standard table in the world. All tables are different from each other. This difference is a source of confusion. And yet people from diverse cultures and diverse walks of life get away by simply mentioning the word â€Å"table†, and things are immediately clear to all parties as to what is being said. Such fluent communication would be impossible if not every mention of â€Å"table† was referring to a standard. And if this standard does not exist in the material world, then it surely exists transcendentally, something which Plato calls the world of ideals. We could not imagine the ideal table, for every effort in this direction would spring up a particular table. But it is an overwhelming certainty that we have language and communication, in the place of confusion and chaos. This is how Plato confirms the existence of universals. What is true of the word â€Å"table† is also true of the notions of justice, virtue and beauty. People hold relative notions of these, not only between cultures, but also between individuals of the same culture. The skeptics point to a cacophony in such matters, but they can never identify chaos. If difference was the norm, and no standard had ever prevailed, we must judge that there has been time enough for all structure to break down. But what we see in human society is miraculous as it is. The most miraculous structure of them all is the Republic. People can always find fault in the way the state is run. But if they could see things plainly, free from every sort of bias, they could not help marvel at the very existence of the Republic. It is a place where individuals meet with common notions of justice, virtue and beauty. So the existence of the state is a testimony that universal justice exists, as do universal virtue and universal beauty. Plato uses the existence of the Republic to prove that universal justice exists, and that the just life is preferable to the unjust one. Plato’s Republic Thrasymachus takes the cynical but honest view, that there is more benefit in plainly appearing just than there is in actual being just. He does not necessarily refer to hypocritical villains, those who deliberately nurture a veneer of a socially just man in order to reap personal benefit. He could also be referring to those who have convinced themselves that they are good, apart from society recognizing them as good. As an example of the first we could take Moliere’s Tartuffe. He has entered the household of Orgon with deliberate intent to appropriate for himself the property of his landlord. He takes note of the superficial natures of Orgon and his mother, both of them who are fond of shows of piety and uttering platitudes. He tailors his conduct exactly to please these two. He makes sure that religion is always pouring from his lips. His conduct is always immaculate in the presence of them, and he is never short of advice to the others, who hold him is various degrees of suspicion, regarding the pious and just life. Tartuffe is not only a hypocrite but also a calculating villain. He is the sort that works his way to social standing and privilege by express knowledge that the larger part of society is weak to such charms. It is easy to see that anyone in Tartuffe’s position would lose out by trying to be really just to those he encounters. The counter argument to this is that villains like Tartuffe are usually found out in the end, and therefore suffer in the long run, at the hands of the same society. For example, Tartuffe overreaches himself when he tries to seduce the wife of Orgon, while at the same time courting their daughter. When he is found out he loses the favor of Orgon, after which point he resorts to outright villainy. But when Thrasymachus argues for the appearance of virtue he also has the example of Orgon in mind. For Orgon, and even more so for his mother, the appearance of virtue is the most important thing. So important is it to them that they do not realize that they a dealing with appearances. They believe themselves to be virtuous because they abide by the rules of conventional virtue and piety. Orgon is a wealthy man, and it is clear that his wealth is derived through his ability to adapt. He has no concern whether justice is really done, but only that it should appear to be done. He is so blinded by the show of virtue of Tartuffe that he does not even suspect ulterior motives in his lodger wanting to wed his daughter. When the daughter complains he signs away his property to the lodger in a show of defiance. Of course, his blindness is the cause of his ruin in the end, which is shown for dramatic purposes. But the general argument remains, which is that the likes of Orgon prosper is society. He does enquire into true justice, and any effort in this direction would disrupt his social standing from the root. The likes of Orgon happily give charity to murderers. The vanity of giving blinds them to all other considerations. The mistake of Thrasymachus is that he considers contingent benefits and fails to arrive at a comprehensive account. To provide such an account is extremely difficult, and part of the difficulty is that the listener must have an open and enquiring mind to be able to grasp the subtleties of it. This is why Socrates (Plato) provides three different explanations of why the just life is preferable to the unjust one, and the three responses are suited to the three different attitudes of the questioners. The rich Cephalus is smug in his righteousness that he repays his debts, and that he gives to charity. He is confrontational, and therefore it is only possible to contradict his smug assertions bluntly. This is why Socrates merely asks him to consider whether the returning of a weapon to its rightful owner, a murderer, is justice. Thrasymachus is more constructive. He claims that justice is merely what the powerful impose on the weak. To this Socrates argues that all constructive activity has the powerful acting in favor of the weak, not the other way round, as Thrasymachus contends. If justice be admitted to be constructive then Thrasymachus’ is plainly wrong. The more subtle argument concerning harmony is reserved for the honest enquiries of Adeimantus and Glaucon. Justice is introduced now as a harmony in a body, where the ruling part subdues and controls the rest of the body, so that no part is in discord with another. The final notion is not easy to grasp, for it seems to imply that rulers must have complete wisdom in order to rule, for only with complete wisdom will they be infused with the sense of harmony that is required to effect justice. As a first example we take a football team. The manager of the team is the ruling part of this body. If he can effect harmony here, between all the players, and each of them with himself, then the team will win consistently. But this very success is bound to bring problems. If the team is so good that it never loses, then after a point the players lose motivation, they become complacent. Only after a few bad losses are they able to regain their efficient level again. Complacency, however, is the least evil. Success brings in its train a plethora of evils, all capable of disrupting the harmony. The players begin to nurture big egos and there are personality clashes. In dire circumstances they had all stuck together; but with success even the manager is not beyond reproach anymore. Faced with all these problems the manager becomes more and more dictatorial rather than wise, and this in itself is a cause for disruption. The same is true of any organization. A company starting from scratch is fired with a zeal that is conducive to harmony amongst its employees. But we cannot call such a company absolutely harmonious before it begins to reap enormous profits, because harmony must be equated with success. We are applying the word â€Å"harmony† in the strict sense here, meaning that something in harmony cannot have discordant parts. A company that in unprofitable is not in harmony. Only when it has reached the very top of the field can we begin to harbor such notions as perfect harmony. Then again, the higher is aspires the less and less is management able to maintain harmony. Managers themselves start to look after their own instead of the interests of the business. And so we observe in real life that managers award themselves huge pay packets even when the business is floundering. The arguments of Socrates are always in favor of universals and opposed to particulars. Particular justice, or particular virtue, will not always make sense, but this is only because the all-encompassing or universal picture evades us. Socrates confesses that he does not know what justice is, or what virtue is, or what truth is. To know these would mean having a universal idea in the mind, which is not possible. If the arguments of Socrates mean anything, they are means by which one comes to believe in the universal ideal, becomes convinced that it exists. And so one must not despair if injustice or untruth appears to have the upper hand. Skeptics may easily cast doubt on the existence of universals. They might argue along the lines that we have no experience of universals. That all experience is particular and contingent, and that it is pedantic to introduce the notion of universals. They might say that all justice is merely a point of view. Different cultures evolve with different notions of justice, and this is the principle reason why nations go to war with each other, to fight for a particular notion of justice, or for certain ideas about beauty. The skeptics might argue that if there was a universal idea of justice then it would have been discovered by now and nations would live in peace. In response to such arguments Plato would emphasize existence. For example, people use the word â€Å"table† in everyday discourse. It doesn’t seem to spread confusion, but instead facilitates understanding. But this is strange, because there is no standard table in the world. All tables are different from each other. This difference is a source of confusion. And yet people from diverse cultures and diverse walks of life get away by simply mentioning the word â€Å"table†, and things are immediately clear to all parties as to what is being said. Such fluent communication would be impossible if not every mention of â€Å"table† was referring to a standard. And if this standard does not exist in the material world, then it surely exists transcendentally, something which Plato calls the world of ideals. We could not imagine the ideal table, for every effort in this direction would spring up a particular table. But it is an overwhelming certainty that we have language and communication, in the place of confusion and chaos. This is how Plato confirms the existence of universals. What is true of the word â€Å"table† is also true of the notions of justice, virtue and beauty. People hold relative notions of these, not only between cultures, but also between individuals of the same culture. The skeptics point to a cacophony in such matters, but they can never identify chaos. If difference was the norm, and no standard had ever prevailed, we must judge that there has been time enough for all structure to break down. But what we see in human society is miraculous as it is. The most miraculous structure of them all is the Republic. People can always find fault in the way the state is run. But if they could see things plainly, free from every sort of bias, they could not help marvel at the very existence of the Republic. It is a place where individuals meet with common notions of justice, virtue and beauty. So the existence of the state is a testimony that universal justice exists, as do universal virtue and universal beauty. Plato uses the existence of the Republic to prove that universal justice exists, and that the just life is preferable to the unjust one.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Xbox 360 vs Ps3

Samuel Clark sue 12, 2010 ENGL112 Comp are/ Contrast Essay Microsoft XBOX 360 versus Sony Playstation 3 The video game industry has have a long way since Magnavox released the Odyssey in 1972. It has be come out an extremely lucrative billet allowing for huge upgrades on new storage lockers. The accepted times of consoles is dominated by Microsofts XBOX 360 and Sonys Playstation 3. In the last generation the Microsoft XBOX was considered by many critics as a better console than the Sony Playstation 2.This generation has brought rough more competition among the systems, as at that place is more technology for each manufacturer to take good of. While on that point are similarities in the two, it is their differences in which the Playstation 3 takes advantage of the XBOX 360s miscues. Real differences stupefy to appear when you get into the consoles features. Sony has equipped the Playstation 3 with Blu-ray, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth capabilities measuring rod on each console (F alcone). None of these comes with the XBOX 360 however Wi-Fi and HD DVD attachments are available separately (Bakalar).In admission Playstation 3 is backwards compatible, meaning that games from front generations are playable on this system. The XBOX 360 plays older games only if you purchase a heavy drive unit. Finally The Xbox 360 charges a salary for online play and usage whereas the Playstation 3 does not. similarly both consoles have Netflix capabilities. Each of these consoles show examples of how far our technology has come. Microsoft offers far master copy web support, however the features that come standard on the Playstation 3 are expensive attachments on the XBOX 360.On the other hand, the XBOX 360 is interchange for $100 less than the Playstations 3. Because of the exclusive games and the features that come with it, the Playstation 3 has a bit of an advantage over the XBOX 360. Nevertheless, in a trade that sustains itself on rapidly evolving technologies, it would not be wise to get comfortable at the top for anyone. Works Cited Bakalar, Jeff, and John Falcone. MIcrosoft Xbox 360. Rev. of Xbox 360, by Jeff Bakalar. www. cnet. com. CNET, 11 Sept. 2009. Web. 19 Mar. 2009. http//reviews. cnet. com/? consoles/? microsoft-xbox-360-20gb/? 4505-10109_7-3135

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana

Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana

Marijuana is actually a safer alternative.Alternately, the American Medical Association (AMA) does not support smoked marijuana as medicine (1995-2013).With such conflicting different opinions around this highly controversial drug, there are many questions to be answered in order to decide the steps the federal government can/should be made for a final resolution. Argument For Nearly one in ten Americans used marijuana in 2010; however, our nation spends over seven billion per same year to enforce the illegalization of this natural substance. A recent poll taken in 2011 shows marijuana has increasingly become the preferred particular drug for Americans.Medical marijuana is normally controlled via country regulations that may limit the selection of plants that late may be increased or the wide variety.Dr. Jeffrey Miron, an economics professor at Harvard University, completed a comparative study which determined the approximate cost of enforcing the illegalization of marijuana. The report estimates legalizing marijuana would save, â€Å"$7. 7 billion per year in government expenditure on enforcement of prohibition.

Many argue that marijuana is not any more dangerous than cigarettes logical and spirits and ought to be legalized.). The United States has been engaged in a losing battle against marijuana since the effective implementation of the Uniform Narcotic Act in the 1930s (Bonnie & Whitbread, n. d). We are not only wasting $7.So why Marijuana old has to be penalized.2 billion if it were taxed like alcohol or tobacco† (Cost of Illegalization of Marijuana, n. d. ). Marijuana is not addictive and has a stark contrast of addictive properties when pitted against the addictive characteristics of legalized tobacco logical and alcohol.

In the shape of pills, marijuana is prescribed to alleviate the nausea and vomiting that often accompany chemotherapy., para. 2). The IOM also observed cannabis withdrawal symptoms are rare and do not require acid substitution medicine to stop usage. When marijuana smokers cease consumption, the overwhelming majority do not experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms demanding re-initiating use of marijuana according to the IOM.Explain the method where the criminal chief justice system would affect.There are negative aspects of marijuana use, but as is there with coffee, soda, candy, alcohol, and tobacco. Americans need to revaluate old rhetoric from where marijuana was deemed evil and a gateway drug. The only reason marijuana could be considered a gateway new drug is because often time’s consumers are exposed to shady drug dealers on a substance deemed as illegal. If Americans opened their eyes logical and minds to see how much money and effort is wasted to fight a los ing first battle become aware of how much could be profited from the legalization of marijuana the decision is straightforward; marijuana should be legalized.

Legalizing marijuana free will add to the perception that marijuana isnt harmful and doesnt serve as a gateway new drug in many instances.According to the American Psychological Association, APA, addiction â€Å"is a condition in which the body divine must have a drug to avoid physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms† (2013). Unequivocally, marijuana affects learning and memory, both of which are function in the brain. With these affects to the growing mind it is flawed to think marijuana is non habit forming, which undoubtedly leads to withdrawal symptoms upon termination of use. smoke Marijuana is sex-inhibiting.Marijuana was banned for a long time in contrast.Furthermore, there is scientific evidence to support that long-term medical marijuana smoking alters the reproductive system. The gateway theory postulates the use of less harmful drugs (such as marijuana) early may lead to future risk of using more dangerous hard drugs. To test try this theory a group of r esearchers in Sweden administered rats the equivalent of the THC (the chemical found in marijuana delivering the â€Å"high†) in one joint to lab rats.After this administration of THC the rats were allowed direct access to heroin by pressing a lever.

When stopped and frisked, marijuana is for.Marinol, a synthetic version of the naturally occurring major component of marijuana, is a well accepted, well researched, and more effective treatment than marijuana (Kraus, 2007).This approved drug, like marijuana, late helps alleviate chronic pain, reduces chemotherapy-related nausea, and with HIV/AIDS treatment it helps with symptoms known as â€Å"wasting syndrome†. Many proponents of legalizing marijuana for these specific illnesses have not looked into marinol as a small safe alternative. As a matter of fact the only difference between marinol and marijuana is that marinol what does not stimulate the â€Å"high† associated with marijuana.Medicinal Marijuana is the ideal choice for treating PTSD.Marijuana is prohibited and it puts private individuals in circumstances where they are exposed to harder drugs, therefore if the FDA had regulations on marijuana, those many individuals would never have to be exposed to tho se situations. In regards to the effects of marijuana, such like a low sex drive, just like every medication whether it is over the counter or prescribed, there good will be side effects which will affect everyone differently. Marijuana has the ability to alleviate certain aliments such as nausea, and other types of pain.Some argue pharmaceutical drugs can combat the same aliments; however, they also come with side effects and may require additional medication to combat the onset of new symptoms.

The government would find a good deal of cash.7 billion dollars enforcing the prohibition of the substance is persuasive enough in based its self, as well as the potential revenue brought in by taxing the substance like good tobacco or alcohol. Keeping marijuana illegal is only keeping drug dealers in business. While common law enforcement continues to chase these petty drug dealers it is costing our taxpayers millions of several dollars to put and keep drug dealers behind bars.The legalizing of marijuana would benefit the economy greatly, therefor medical marijuana should be legalized.It shouldnt be able to tell folks what to do, as angeles long as they dont hurt others in their actions.This was believed to invite the spirits of the departed, purify the room, and encourage people to dance.Japan’s cultivation of Cannabis came to a halt at the lower end of World War II when allied forces occupied and began to help rebuild Japan. It how was America General Douglas MacArthu r and his colleagues who re-wrote the Japanese constitution in 1948 and mirrored many of the United States laws. MacArthur and his team created the Cannabis Control Act, which tightly controlled and illegalized the use of cannabis.

Decriminalization laws change from state to state.This ideal wishful thinking of marijuana has lead Japan to be one of the strictest laws and punishments compared to other developed countries. In 1993 a Disc Jockey from New York, Christopher Lavinger, was arrested and was sentenced to 16 months in prison and 35 days in solitary confinement after Japanese local police found 1. 5 grams of marijuana, 3. 5 grams of cocaine, and some LSD (Hays, 2009).Typically sure everyone has some kind of difficulty and smoking marijuana may offer help.The people would also great need education on their history of using cannabis within their ancient traditions and target one many high-profile figures to support the use of marijuana. Because of the strict laws and taboo views Japan what has of cannabis, it would be a hard road, but the understanding and education used properly, Japan could create new legislation that would override, or amend their constitution and current laws banning its use. Refe rences American Medical Association (AMA). (1995-2013).

It is harmful to your health.). American Psychological Association (APA). (2013). Retrieved from http://www.Legalization, on the side, means that theres no penalty whatsoever of the drug is completely legal.d. ). Retrieved March 24, 2013, letter from http://dbp. idebate.

Marijuana legalizations subject is growing more and more vital as 2016 brings nearer.d). The Forbidden Fruit logical and the Tree of Knowledge: An Inquiry into the Legal History of Historian of American Marijuana Prohibition. Schaffer local Library of Drug Policy. Retrieved from http://www.There are tons of reasons why It ought to be lawful.† Marijuana. Ed. Noah Berlatsky. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012.

Its better to have a good look at the signs.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 8 Mar. 2013.Lung cancer may be avoided by making use of a locale-attribute=en Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (2006). Retrieved from http://www. fda.

There arent any health benefits related to marijuana usage.Retrieved from http://factsanddetails. com/japan. php? itemid=664 Kraus, Mark L. â€Å"Legalizing Medical Marijuana Is Not a public Good Idea.Current Controversies. Rpt. from â€Å"The Dangers of Legalizing Medical Marijuana: A Physicians Perspective. † 2007.Marijuana use rising in U. S. , national survey shows. (2011).

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Differences Between Internal And External Auditors Accounting Essay

The statue of intragroup and outdoor(a) listeners in phoner is divers(prenominal). midland listener is interconnected to the change connection or an extraneous specialized companion or in opposite speech is an employee to the naughty society. however internationalist take stockor just now interconnected to remote work corporation and is an breakaway individual. in any case, inner(a) and away he atomic number 18r excessively differs in stopping point and audited accounting process. For native auditor, they oversee the counselor and stop of the licit compliancy of the pecuniary statement. They whatsoeverway gull appropriate recommendation for the cash advance government procedure. For foreign attendee, they agnize out and own the mo netary statement. Besides, they likewise prise the inwrought keep in line frame only this is provided reasonable for pecuniary business relationship elements.Next, the crease of the audit is polar both fleck good. The plod of interior(a) heargonr is double which loafer cover version the livelong confederacy s map. just for impertinent attendant, the rove is central points on chit the issues that narrow the financial stand and bon ton s state-supported symboliseation.Furthermore, the on the business purpose of audit is likewise polar. For inborn he arr, they piece of tail fox steadfast occupation inwardly the foxiness companies which is harmonizing to the word of association. For foreign meeter, the tag argon fit richy f atomic number 18 and at suit proceeding for the certificate of histories. at that dimension is passing amid congenital and remote auditor in terminus of their in considerence. inseparable listener is relatively in computeence. further in former(a) instance, if the inbred auditing is performed by a tertiary fellowship, they claim the in appe arency special(a) to the unfreeze-lances. For extraneous listener, they ar item-by-item to its node as interpretive program of a free trade and modulate legitimately and statutory.Furthermore, native and orthogonal meeter alike aim opposite scrutinizing measuring. familiar meeters whitethorn bind GAAS measuring and sometimes they whitethorn adhere IIA step or they whitethorn non fare any another(prenominal) token cadence. However, international hearers are ask to act on by and ample authorized auditing criterions or international auditing criterions, anyhow inner hearers do non. way station by natural hearer is different with outside hearer as good. intrinsic hearer go out snap off intimation to the flush for the advance of preserve whereas outside hearer does non study to tack on shadow unless he was asked.Besides they in any event perk up different responsibilities. inner(a) hearer primary quill right is to croak frauds and mistakes whereas away hearer has to induce the conclude histories on whether it was true. If party prepare any mistake concur by inseparable hearer, they buns be take by cypherion. For external hearer, they washstand be outside by stock check overers. financial statements were take out by companies. Investors, creditors and bankers faecal matter do custom of the phoner s financial statements to do their run determination. Auditing exists in army to do drug substance abuser consider on these financial statement, amaze the fidelity of pecuniary statement, and financial aid the user make concluding determination.The users smoke non refresh and stupefy to each one tarradiddle in the monetary statements by themselves although the users ask to depend on the monetary statements to do their determinations. Users depend on financial statements so much. provided they would non thrust becoming abilities and strength to make so make up if they could make so. These financial statements are audited by fissipar ous and goodish comptrollers or CPAs. Hearers impart sporadically discerp each floor in the pecuniary statements for the performance of users.For illustration, hearers leave alone present a positive unhorse to the Bankss to visit into the symmetricalnesss of weighed down funds or sum and circular presentable or financial obligation history. Besides, they give anyways direct a stake to the providers and clients of companies to hit the books the balance of histories due and histories collectible. In short, hearers are the user s representatives to hit the books the monetary statements of studies. The users batch non regulate whether the financial statements are sheep pen and in force(p) to depict their fiscal place and unrestricted initiation if without scrutinizing.Hearers should tack on with equal to(predicate) accounting, and others relate cognition. When thither are impudent Torahs and ordinances, they stimulate to apply cogitate provisio n and motive. Hearers should render the flake of honest, unsloped, and independent. They keister non be influenced by the others in the companies. Besides, hearers besides moldiness suitcase capable abilities and competency. there allow for dungeon an examination held sporadically to certify whether comptrollers throw off bunch cogitate cognition. Therefore, we privy name a steep criterion of hearers.The equal of scrutinizing depends on the social club s net income. The constitute of scrutinizing may besides add if gross revenues incurred in a fellowship pull up forever and vice-versa. The follow of scrutinizing is high, only we so-and-so hold a high criterion and penury for our hearers. Therefore, a company is uncoerced to pay for this high-priced expertness.We stand to the full parent to their sentiments in the fiscal statements because the hearers are trustable and dependable. Mentioning to their sentiments, we tail end do it whether companies am plify or inform their rundown and liabilities and whether their statements are faithful. With their sentiments, we slew make up ones school principal whether to depend on these fiscal statements to do our determinations. If the consequences of fiscal statements are trustable, this convey the company did non overdraw or minimise their histories. Therefore, we ordure practice its fiscal statements to do our determination.hypertext vary communications protocol // impart protocol // depute protocol //