Monday, September 30, 2019

Is Privacy In The 21st Century Possible? Essay

Privacy was once valued and protected. But now with so many new and convenient technological advancements, is privacy in the 21st century possible? To protect our privacy Congress created the Electronics Privacy Acts (ECPA) to protect us from government access to private information that is transmitted and stored on the Internet, such as emails, private photos, or corporate data. Congress has not updated the ECPA on technology since it was created, in 1986. When the ECPA was created there was no â€Å"World Wide Web†, social networking was something in the future, and nothing was stored in what we call the â€Å"cloud.† With all the technological changes in today’s society no one is protected. Privacy is defined as being free from the public eye. Yet we have so many people sharing personal information on social networking websites, and government agencies monitoring emails, and phone calls most of the time without our knowledge. There is no privacy in the 21st century, it is just a nostalgic feeling, and it is no longer practiced. Today’s privacy laws aren’t up to date with today’s technology. Things are rarely sent through the mail, and emails and text messages have replaced written communication. Online messaging and social networking was something of a novelty when lawmakers created the ECPA (Frolik, 2013). A recent article from the Dayton Daily news written by Cornelius Frolik on June 2013 he mentioned, â€Å"The Government can easily access many personal communications and other private information without sufficient probable cause†. Instead of acquiring a warrant that requires more standards and procedures. Government agencies instead obtain subpoena’s to obtain people’s emails, and telephone records (Frolik, 2013). Although, local authorities catch lots of dangerous criminals through information online like emails, photos, and social media sites like Facebook some critics still feel it is an invasion of privacy. Also as our technology advances by leaps, and bounds so does the way Government uses new high tech tools to surveillance law-abiding citizens. Though our Fourth Amendment states to protect the American people from unreasonable searches and seizures. Almost everything is done through  technology in the 21st century. This meaning that government can seize any emails that are 180 days or that has been opened without a warrant; subpoenas have become the most used investigator tool for Government agencies. The reason why is because they can be easily written inside the prosecutors office without any further review from a judge. This means there is an exception to the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, if it satisfies the requirements. The question we should be asking when it comes to Government and our privacy are † Is to explain a clear understanding of the word privacy†? If the Government cannot clarify the term privacy then how can they protect our privacy? The lack of clarity makes it hard for lawmakers to create new policies that will keep our privacy out of harm (Libin, 2012). Two reasons why privacy can be considered threaten in today’s society one being the Government powers are limitless, and two being we the American people expose ourselves digitally (Libin, 2012). The people of America should come together and declare for the Government to protect our privacy rather than participate in warrantless searches (Libin, 2012). The fact that the Government can argue that the Fourth Amendment does not apply because there is no exception to privacy when it comes to prot ecting national security, then that leave the American people in times of calamity, and crisis. Laws like the ECPA is a law that the Government has an obligation to respect (Libin, 2012). The ECPA protect the privacy of the electronic communications, but when law enforcement and prosecutors have to protect and enforce laws, personal information has to be collected to build a case (Libin, 2012). The solution is more complex than simply, and right now the Government is facing difficulties figuring out the best way to protect the American people (Libin, 2012). Given all the information privacy seems to be the problem. It can be portrayed in many ways, one as it’s protecting the public from terrorism, and local crime; and two being if you are innocent, what do you have to hide? In 2014 I find that most American people store their digital lives in what we call â€Å"The Cloud† which included emails, calendar data, photos, and other sensitive information. The ECPA has become obsolete. Technology today leaves the ECPA outdated, the laws have not changed since it was originally created  in 1986. The existing privacy laws only focus on the text-based personal records, and the issues that people face today with this outdated privacy law is gathering of digital multi-media files, and the way this unauthorized data is used (Lipton, 2010). Do you consider video surveillance systems out on the street personal data? Some may say yes and some may say no. According to a case study researched by Jacqueline D. Lipton, if the face of an individual is recognizable, than it is considered personal data. Some people feel protected with the video surveillance capturing their every moment. Then on the other hand some people feel they are being scrutinized being watched by video surveillance. The U.S. has a protection for free speech and for free of a press under the First Amendment. However there is no express constitutional right to privacy (Lipton, 2012). The question that American people should rigorously examine is whether or not Congress should repeal the ECPA and creates new privacy laws to replace it (Kerr, 2014). The ECPA should be considered top priority when it comes to being reformed. If Congress were to start fresh on what changes to make on the ECPA the technologic changes would have to be particularly considered. Being that the cost of stored information has changed it also changes how law enforcements surveillance people, it threatens privacy. In 1986 this all made sense because the internet was designed at this time to only hold limited storage, and wire-tapping was a threat more than stored information (Kerr, 2014). Overall access to stored record has become the greatest privacy threat. Technology has changed enormously, now everything is stored. With everything being stored now in what we call â€Å"The Cloud† like mentioned before stored information begins to reveal the same level of details as real time surveillance or real-time access (Kerr, 2014). Stored information has become more revealing an invasive. (Kerr, 2014). References _Cohen, J. E. (2013). What is Privacy For._ Harvard Law Review Association_,_ 126_(7), 1904,29. Retrieved from sid=34a7b883-e7a4-45d2-aff3-a25b4e535c3e%40sessionmgr110&hid=107&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdmU%3d#db=edsgbe&AN=edsgcl.333333595_ _Kerr, 0. S. (2014). The Next Generation Communications Privacy Act._ University of Pennsylvania Law Review_,_ 162_(2), 373-419. Retrieved from _Libn, N. (2012). PRIVACY AND ACCOUNTABILITY IN THE 21ST CENTURY: Foreword._ Harvard Law and Policy Review_,_ 6_, 263. Retrieved from _Lipton, J. D. (2010). Digitlal Multi-Media and The Limits of Privacy Law._ Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law_,_ 42_(3), 551-571. Retrieved from _Sutanto, J., Palme, E., Chuan-Hoo, T., & Chee Wei, P. (2013). Addressing The Personalization-Privacy Paradox: An Empirical Assessment From a Field Experiment on Smartphone Users._ MIS Quarterly_,_ 37_(4), 1141-A5. Retrieved from

Sunday, September 29, 2019

People as a huge asset Essay

1.1INTRODUCTION Organisations are made up of people and people are a huge asset to any organization. To be more successful in achieving their goal and objectives; organisations needs to have an understanding about their human assets, their behavior, tendencies, best practice etc..† Leadership is the ability of one person to influence a group of persons toward the achievement of common goals† (Yukl, 1994). Influencing others means that leaders must have an understanding about their behavior, which can only happen when they themselves understand their values, assumptions, beliefs and expectations. Understanding oneself means one must carry out self-assessment/evaluation as this is very important for leaders today. I will be carrying out an assessment about the benefit of self -assessment/evaluation to leaders today and the importance of understanding human behavior in oraganisations. 1.2 DEFINITION OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR Human behavior is the way people behave and which can be influence by culture, emotions, attitudes, values, ethics, genetic etc.. Depending on the society and environment, human behavior can either be common, usual, acceptable or unacceptable. Human behavior can either be learnt as we relate to our environment; for example, tying your shoes is a learned behavior or it can be innate which can be inherited through genes. 1.3THE IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR TO AN ORGANIZATION Organisations depend on the behavior of both individual and teams to achieve their goals and objectives; as such it is very critical for organisations to have thorough understanding of human behavior. Understanding human behavior is a  key to organisational success. Human behavior defines how people work together and relate with one another. Communication being the cornerstone of behavior can only be effective when people understand one another. Interpersonal conflict can be reduced in an organisation once there’s an understanding of human behavior. Behavior can influence negatively on the achievement of an organization’s goals and objectives if not manage well; will lead to poor output and failure. Organisations need to plan their training programme, understanding the behavior of its employees will inform the planning process, thereby ensuring that training needs are effectively met. An effective understanding of the diverse behavior of personnel is important. Evidence has shown that as people get to know one another, they became less concerned about differences if they see themselves as sharing more important characteristics, such as personality and values, that represent deep-level diversity† (Stephen P Robbins & Timothy A Judge, Organizational Behavior -15th Editions) A co-operative team that knows how to work with one another can produce better result than those who have problems relating to one another. 1.4 THE IMPORTANCE OF UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR BY LEADERS Organisations need strong leadership to achieve its goals and objectives. An organisation is only as successful as its leadership. Leadership is the ability to influence a group towards the achievement of a vision or set of goals. Individuals or group can only be influence when there’s an understanding of their behavior. Business necessity, enlightenment about differences and moral fortitude have combine to push organisations into hiring a diverse set of employees, as a result managing this diversity has proven to be a challenge to leaders†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Leaders can effectively manage this challenge through understanding this diversity. A leader who fails to understand his followers thereby focusing at a very superficial level by commanding others to do their will; is at the bottom of the leadership level. Deeper understanding provides more options, give one more potential tools, and frankly, makes one a powerful leader (Stephen P Robbins & Timothy A Judge, Organizational Behav ior -15th Editions). This is a trait of level 5 leadership. â€Å"Understanding the behavior of followers will assist leaders in putting together teams to manage projects and it will also assist in  assigning task to employees in a way that will put to efficient use each member’s strength rather than their weakness â€Å" ( Attempting to influencing individuals without understanding why they behave the way they do, might yield random or unpredictable effect and this will lead to leaders being unsuccessful as followers will be alienated; whereas understanding the personalities of subordinates and superiors informs leaders as to others expectations and provides insights into motivation, competitiveness and interpersonal relationships and communication. 1.5 LEADERSHIP SELF-EVALUATION/SELF-ASSESSMENT As leaders the ability to influence people has to be continuously improved; and the first step in achieving that will be by knowing yourself and gaining understanding of your leadership style, skills, traits, competencies, abilities, personality type and experience. According to Kevin Sharer of AMGEN CEO and president, â€Å"Leadership has many voices. You need to be who you are, not to emulate someone else.† An apt statement as leaders has the responsibility of influencing others in the achievement of goals and objectives; an achievement that will be almost impossible to attain when followers lacks faith in their leader. People normally have faith in authentic leaders as they are leaders who not only know what they believe in and value but also act on that values and beliefs candidly and openly. Most leaders are unaware of the effect their emotional intelligence has on their superiors and subordinates, many a time we blame negative outcome to those around us, all the time bei ng totally blind to the fact that our personality might have had effect on others action. â€Å"Those who use the emotional intelligence framework to guide their thoughts and actions may find it easier to create trust in relationship, harness energy under pressure, and sharpen their ability to make sound decisions-in other words, they increase their potential for success in the workplace†(Jones and Bartlett learning PTT) only by carrying out self-assessment/evaluation will you be able to understand your emotional intelligence and other traits. As leaders one should know what their strength and weaknesses as this will enable them build on their strength and march it to their leadership opportunities, it will also assist in the development of their weaknesses and allows for the  elimination of threats to leadership. 1.6 THE BENEFITS OF SELF- ASSESSMENT/SELF-EVALUATION TO LEADERS TODAY. Most of the benefits of self-assessment have already been discuss above, however some benefits are; A.Develop Emotional Intelligence When taking time to self-reflect you are looking inwards. Self-awareness gives you the ability the ability to understand your emotions, strengths, weaknesses, drives, values and goals, and recognize their impact on others you are leading. Being self-aware will aid you in controlling or redirecting your disruptive emotions and impulses and adapt to changing circumstances. Building these emotional intelligence components will improve your leadership. B. ASSISTS IN BECOMING EFFECTIVE LEADER Authentic leaders are clear on their core values, and this will help to strengthen leadership integrity and lead you to better decisions. Understanding your core values will build followers trust in you as a leader and this will make decision making easier as our integrity is often put to the test during stressful and difficult times. C. BUILD SELF-CONFIDENCE Confidence is crucial for leaders. It helps in effective communications, decision making, and influence building. People will see you as you see yourself, being aware of your strength as leader will build self-confidence and this will increase team effectiveness.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Arrogance in Oedipus the King and Job

In this article I will explain how arrogance plays an important role in literature. Before you begin, you need to fully understand what arrogance is. Pride does not allow you to think or listen to important things if it does not differ from your ideas or ideology. When becoming arrogant, they are better than others, and eventually immerse themselves in the real nature of the situation. To illustrate this point we compare the Biblical text Job with the Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex written by two literary works, Sophocles. Among the kings of Sophocles' Oedipus, Oedipus was in charge of his tragedy. From his arrogance and stubborn character he was urged to make an impulsive decision, which ultimately led to his disappointment. Edipus and the people around it thought that fate was the root of Edipus 's problem, but Edepus' decision showed the audience he was responsible for. Edips is a constantly moving person. When the priests began seeking his help, he was sending Kryon to God to find God 's advice. When chorus is displayed ... Show details The quality of King Oedipus is fine, but he has many weaknesses leading to his disappointment. King Oedipus was drawn as a relatively unstable and arrogant ruler and he accused Teiresias that he plans to immediately acquire the throne in Kryon. As a man, Edeps is depicted as overconfidence and arrogance. Edips first fleeed Corinth to change his fate and confidently believed that he avoided his unhappy prophecies. The fact that he murdered an unknown man on the road to Thebes also revealed his temper. The main weakness of Oedipus as her husband is that he accepts his wife's advice and no longer asks for answers. Excessive self confidence and persistence in finding the truth of Edips, learned that he had fulfilled the prophecy, which ruined his life. King Oedipus is a drama about his struggle between the famous king and free will and his so-called fate. Edeps is predicted to kill his father and marry his mother. After learning the p rophecy, Edeps had acted immediately and left home Collins to avoid so-called parents. In King Oedipus, Sophocles showed that the action of Oedipus contributed to his downfall; this was his innocence and was very proud. At this point the speaker noticed that the foundation of his travel is the desire to find his house in heaven. Sailors are one of the most poems written in English. As I have seen, there are many discussions in the situation of the speaker, many people oppose it. This is almost certainly not agreed, but speakers always think that they are the same person.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Shale gas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Shale gas - Essay Example the middle of crisis; an economy struggling with a huge debt problems in the wake of a deadly financial meltdown as well as the damages caused by Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to the U.S. Gulf natural gas supply infrastructure adding fodder to the skyrocketing crude oil prices in the world market. That although the recession that began with the global financial crisis, fine-tuned by the catastrophic events mentioned, had their effects in lowering the demand for natural gas, the supply of shale gas production, which increased tenfold between 2005 and 2010, tremendously slashed the natural gas prices, in effect boosting/repairing demand in almost all sectors damaged by the unfortunate events above. To be specific, the wellhead prices for US natural gas currently trading at approximately 4 USD/Mbtu was as high as 8 USD/Mbtu and above prior to 2008; a tremendous improvement of the affordability of the commodity irrespective of the final consumer (Spencer, et al. 16). More generally, shale gas has displaced the more expensive and costly sources of energy such as coal, in effect, spurring investments in energy intensive sectors of the economy. Accordingly, hundreds of thousands of new jobs have been created either directly or indirectly by â€Å"reshoring† plants established abroad due to escalating costs on the same and substantially lowering the cost of capital and/or operational costs for fresh businesses; the ready availability of a cheap energy source, massively reducing the US net imports of oil and gas, has more than assured investments of a steady flow of energy with stable prices, thus, ensuring a steady rebounding of employments levels that suffered heavy blows after the events already mentioned (Spencer, et al. 16-17). There are currently more than 20 major facilities for the production of shale gas either under construction or on their final planning phases, all in efforts to use natural gas as fuel; a fact that has boosted inve stors confidence to the effect

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Course Evaluation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Course Evaluation - Case Study Example This questioner helps me track my academic expectations as per this course. This is by the questions made in the questioner. Examples of such questions are; the grade expected from the course, course discussion participation, and individual study time. As a student, this questioner will help me know if I was serious enough or not. This questioner also gives the lecturer the reasons as to why students enrolled in the course, were they forced as per the institution’s prerequisite or did they enroll willingly? The instructors will also know if they presented the topics well, as well as their work performance. This questioner gauges the academic performance of the lecturers as well as the students (Freed, & Ehrlich, 2010). According to the results of the statistical approach of data collection, most of the students strongly agreed that the lecturer was well prepared before the class. This means that the content delivered yielded good outcome, evident from the good presentation results as well as interest stimulation. This data shows that the students enjoyed the course due to the preparedness and liveliness of the tutor. The results also show that the tutor was accessible to all students in the course. The factor of availability was met by the instructor. The course was intellectually challenging, but one student strongly disagreed with two being on the neutral side and most of the students supporting the motion. Although the course was challenging, reading materials were readily available as well as the lecturer’s devotion. A probability of most of the students passing the course is high. Another probability is most students will enroll in this course due to the high recommendations of the lecturer given by the former students. The ratio of student increment in the course is expected to increase in the coming semesters, due to the positive responses

Documentary for CNN Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Documentary for CNN - Assignment Example Its supporters fight back with the notion that stem cell research can have an extremely positive effect on future medical treatments, as embryonic stem cells can grow into anybody's cell and thus be used to treat diseases like muscular dystrophy, in which the patient experiences a gradual and eventually fatal loss of muscular tissues. As the scientific community is gradually pursuing research activities towards stem cell researches, the voices of opposition are also becoming stronger. Differing positions being taken by politicians and governments also widens the differences. Therefore, it provides a perfect base for producing a relevant documentary. The format of documentary will be somewhat like the steps being explained below; Step-2: An interview would be undertaken with Ernest A. McCulloch and James E. Till, the first scientists involved in this research. This will help in demonstrating the benefits of stem cell activities and how we human beings can benefit from such researches. Step-4: Political parties and respective governments have a deciding role towards encouraging or discouraging the stem cell research activities.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

American Government Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

American Government - Research Paper Example The freedom of expression and speech was highly compromised. The Espionage and Sedition Acts of 1917 and 1918 respectively put Civil War newspapers in between hard rock and a hard place. The reporters of that time could not exercise their duties and freedoms without fear of persecution or threats. The United States Government put the Espionage Act with the aim of dissolving the overwrought climate that arose from the World War I. Woodrow Wilson and his team made the decision to institute a regulation that would counter the Americans if and when they attempted to cause harm to the nation. The law was also out to protect the country against propaganda warfare in the United States. The act contained a clause that made retrieval of information with the intent to harm to the United States a criminal offense. The act went further to make acts involving search of information with the aim of harming the navy or the military personnel an offense. Of course, the requirements stated in the Espionage act were reasonable, and they all contributed towards the safety and stabilization of the United States. However, the Sedition Act, a refinement of the Espionage act, took things to an entirely different level. The 1918 amendment made it illegal to engage in actions that would amount to insulting the military, the navy, and the national flag. The government went overboard in developing both the Espionage and the Sedition act (Hall and Patrick 78). The Sedition act robbed the American citizens and workers within the nation their inalienable constitutional rights, namely the free press and free press parts. The Sedition act defined writing, saying, printing, or even publishing any material that was profane, disloyal, or abusive in any nature towards the government, the military, or the constitution as illegal. In addition to that, the media and journalists would get themselves into hot trying pans if they dared mention anything that seemed as though was

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Millionaire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Millionaire - Essay Example So why would I would need all that extra money right? In my case, I would most likely keep five million of the money to invest and insure my future with then the remaining amount would be divided among my charitable causes such as animal welfare and student scholarships. I would most likely donate two million of the remaining amount to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The other two million I would use to start a scholarship foundation in the name of my beloved grandfather who took good care of me when I was little and in need of a father image. The remaining one million I would be something like my discretionary fund, ready for small donation to any worthy cause that I might come across during my lifetime. The money is not something that I will allow to rule my life. Rather, I will make sure to enjoy the money that I set aside for myself while I use the rest of it to make a difference in this world. I would definitely make a career change for myself because then I could help other people by providing them with jobs that are badly needed in our economy today. That is the lesson that I learned from Bill Gates and the way he handles his billions and that is how I shall use the money as well. Money can either turn a person evil or kind, I will choose to be kind and humanitarian in every way that I can

Monday, September 23, 2019

Security Consulting Firm Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Security Consulting Firm Paper - Essay Example Sensitive corporate information, financial data, clients’ documents and details and market competitors’ details are normally held in the marketing department. Therefore, information security breaching in marketing department can result in sever financial losses to the company leading it to law suits. Marketing Information System (MIS) can help companies to overcome these problems. A comprehensive guideline is presented in this report for developing a sound MIS in the company. Various peer-to-peer file sharing software are currently available in the internet example, Â µTorrent, BitTorrent, LuckyWire, eMule Plus COM, BearShare, eMule, LimeWire etc. These free programmes are simple to use, install and configure while enabling users to search media files on a wide user network, download from multiple sources simultaneously, and recover from broken connections. Some of the sophisticated software also enables previewing the videos while downloading them, interacting with other users in the network, bandwith management features and tools for playing downloaded files and burning them onto CDs (Couch, 2002). Peer-to-peer file sharing is growing in popularity. However, it is a decentralized process with sever security risks. Peer-to-peer software providers are unable to monitor and control the files that are being uploaded, stored and downloaded on the network and to check them for viruses, Trojans, and other malware. Example, in a reported case, Grokster, which is a file transferring software vendor, has allowed its users to download Trojan infected software for almost three weeks before it was finally detected (Grokster, 2002). Usually file sharing requires users to make security exceptions in the firewall settings and anti-virus programmes to transmit the files. When peer-to-peer file sharing software is not configured properly,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Parenting Skills Essay Example for Free

Parenting Skills Essay What financial needs are parents obligated to provide and which are optional? The financial needs that parents are obligated to provide include nutritious food, shelter, clothing, and health care. The ones that are optional are luxury items such as summer classes, piano lessons, or various electronic items. 3. What other needs might a child have that a parent is expected to provide? Parents are also required to provide safety and security for their child. 4. What are the qualities of a nurturing parent? Qualities of a nurturing parent include retaining a healthy self-esteem so that their child has a basis for self-esteem, a sense of empathy for their child, a way to successfully enforce disciplinary codes, and an understanding of acceptable maturity levels for their child. Critical Thinking Questions 1. What qualities make a person a good parent? A bad parent? The qualities that make a good parent are listening skills, understanding of maturity levels, reasonable mind, and a good education and career. Qualities that make a bad parent include a bad temper or short temper, low education, and ideas of achieving their own goals above their child’s. 2. Which parental responsibilities do you think would be the most challenging? Why? The parental responsibilities that I think would be the most challenging would be having a job that is good enough to afford a child. This is because it is hard to maintain a good job while having a child and still be there for the child emotionally and physically while bringing in a decent paycheck. 3. Which parental responsibilities do you think would be the most interesting to you? Why? The parental responsibilities that I think will be the most interesting to me the education of life skills. It is interesting to think that a child picks up on habits so easily and they can use those skills for the rest of their life. 4. What are some things that people can do to prepare for parenthood? Some things people can do to prepare for parenthood is further their education and get a career. Also, they need to make sure both parties in the relationship want a child. However, no one is ever truly prepared for a child.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Possibility Of Travelling Through Wormholes In Space Time Philosophy Essay

Possibility Of Travelling Through Wormholes In Space Time Philosophy Essay Wormhole is a tunnel connecting two different points in space time. It is also known as Einstein-Rosen bridge (1935). The objective of this study is to investigate is it possible to travel through the wormholes. 1 Introduction Wormhole(named by John Wheeler,physicist,1955) is the hypothetical tunnel connecting two different points in spacetime in such a way that a trip through the wormhole could take much less time. The spacetime tunnel is also known as Einstein-Rosen bridge (Einstein and Nathan Rosen,1935) Wormholes can be found in earth, but is a billion-trillion-trillionths of a centimeter across Hawking(2010), so it cannot be seen by humans naked eye. Travelling through wormhole or time machine can make human life to be more simple and interesting. The purpose of this study is to investigate the method that lead to building a time machine and travelling wormholes. 2 Literature Review 2.1 Definition Wormhole is a hypothetical tunnel which connects two different points in such a way that a trip through the wormhole could take much less time than a journey between the same starting and ending points in normal space in space time. Wormholes can allow matter, energy, and information to travel to a distant point without passing through the space between the two points effectively circumventing the light speed barrier that prevents it travels faster than light through normal space. Wormholes are actually the natural part of the fabric of space-time or the quantum foam. These natural wormholes are very small and short lived which the light cannot even pass through them. They are a popular feature of science fiction as they allow interstellar travel within human timescales. 2.2 History The mathematician Riemann (1845), who is the first formulated higher-dimensional geometry and also the one who first discusses wormholes. Riemann cuts (Riemanns Wormholes) are connections between spaces (multiply connected spaces) with zero length. Then, Einstein and his collaborator Rosen (Einstein-Rosen bridges ,1935) describe the relativistic of black holes requires wormholes at their center which seem to connect the center of a black hole with a mirror universe on the other side of space time. However, due to the center of a black hole singularity, wormhole could not be traversed as the point of infinite space time curvature where the gravity would also be infinite and all matter would be crushed to its most fundamental constituents. In additional, to travel through the wormhole would require motion faster than the speed of light which is a physical impossibility. 2.3 How is wormholes form Wormholes are considered possible based on (Einsteins theory of relativity, 1916), who states that, any mass curves space time. To understand this curvature, think about two people holding a bed sheet up and stretching that sheet tightly. If one person is to place a baseball on the bed sheet, the weight of the baseball would roll to the middle of the sheet and causes the sheet to curve at that point similar if a marble were placed on the edge of the same bed sheet, it would travel toward the baseball because of the curve. In this example, space is depicted as a two-dimensional plane rather than the four dimensions which actually make up space time. Imagine that is the sheet is folded over and leaving a space between the top and bottom. If place the baseball on the top side will form a curvature. If an equal mass is placed on the bottom part of the sheet at a point that corresponds with the location of the baseball on the top, the second mass would eventually meet with the baseball. This is similar to how wormholes might form. In space, masses that place pressure on different parts of the universe could eventually come together to form a tunnel which is a wormhole. We could travel from Earth to another galaxy and return back relatively quickly within a lifetime. 3 Finding and Discussion 3.1 Wormholes exist in our earth According to Stephen Hawking( physicist and cosmologist), everyone knows that all physical object has three dimensions, they are length, width and height. But, there is another type of length that is length in time. Everything has length in time including space. Travelling in time means travelling through this fourth dimension. By imagine of doing a car travel, drove in a straight line and travelling in one dimension, then turn right or left and this is already adding the second dimension. After that, by driving up or down is actually adding the third dimension, height. So, this is the three dimensions. The fourth dimension is by travelling in time. There is a concept of making the time machine to travel through the fourth dimension. Nothing is flat or solid. If by looking closely at anything, holes and wrinkles can be found. It is a very basic principle even applies to time. Even something as smooth as a pool ball has tiny crevices, wrinkles, and voids. Same as the fourth dimension, there are tiny crevices, wrinkles and voids in time. Down at the smallest of scales, smaller even than molecules or atoms, this is so called quantum foam. This is where wormholes exist. Tiny tunnels through space and time constantly form, disappear, and reform within this quantum world. They actually link two separate places and two different times. These real-life time tunnels are just a billion-trillion-trillionths of a centimeter across. It is too small for human to pass through. Some scientists think that is possible to capture the wormholes and enlarge it by using enough power and advanced technology. Wormholes will happened just like sound system but only radiation instead of sound. Sound enters the microphone. Its transmitted along the wires, made louder by the amplifier, and comes out at the speakers. 3.2 The leading of making time machine According to Albert Einstein, He realized that there should be places where time slows down, and others where time speeds up. The proof is in the space. One of the example is GPS, Global Positioning System. The heavier the object, the more it drags on time. A super-massive black hole is a time machine. It is a heaviest object in the galaxy. It wont destroy itself in a flash of feedback. But its pretty dangerous. Its a long way away and it doesnt even take us very far into the future. Fortunately there is another way to travel in time. And this represents our last and best hope of building a real time machine. Hawking (2010) said that theres a cosmic limit of speed that is speed of light. But travelling by a speed near to the speed of light will brings you to the future. For example, the science-fiction transportation system. Imagine a track which goes right round the earth, a track for superfast train. Use this imaginary train to get as close as possible to the speed of light and see how it becomes a time machine. On board are passengers with a one-way ticket to the future. The train begins to accelerate, faster and faster. Soon, its circling the Earth over and over again. To reach the speed of light and cycling around the earth consider very fast and is 7 times per second. However, no matter how much power the train has, it can never quite reach the speed of light, since the laws of physics forbid it. Instead, lets say the speed gets close, Time starts flowing slowly on board relative to the rest of the world, just like near the black hole. Everything on the train is in slow motion. Imag ine that the train left the station on January 1, 2050. It circles Earth over and over again for 100 years before finally coming to a halt on New Years Day, 2150. The passengers will have only lived one week because time is slowed down that much inside the train. When they got out theyd find a very diffà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœerent world from the one theyd left. In one week theyd have travelled 100 years into the future. Of course, building a train that could reach such a speed is quite impossible. But we have built something very like the train at the worlds largest particle accelerator at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. Deep underground, in a circular tunnel 16 miles long, is a stream of trillions of tiny particles. When the power is turned on, they accelerate from zero to 60,000mph in a fraction of a second. Increase the power and the particles go faster and faster, until theyre whizzing around the tunnel 11,000 times a second, which is almost the speed of light. But just like the train, they never quite reach that ultimate speed. They can only get to 99.99 per cent of the limit. When that happens, they are starting to travel in time. This because of some extremely short-lived particles, called pi-mesons. Ordinarily, they disintegrate after just 25 billionths of a second. But when they are accelerated near to light speed they last 30 times longer. 3.3 Warp drive engine Two physicists (Cleaver,G.B and Obousy,R ) from Baylor University (Waco, Texas) have outlined an engine on how to travel faster than light which is also called warp drive could be created that would bend but not break the laws of physics. The warp engine is based on a design by Alcubierre (1994), known as Alcubierre drive which involves the fabric expansion of space behind a ship into a bubble and shrinking space-time in front of the ship. The ship would rest in between the expanding and shrinking space-time, essentially surfing down the side of the bubble. In addition, the tricky part is that the space itself would move underneath the stationary spacecraft but the ship would not actually move. The beam of light that far from the ship would left behind but the beam of light next to the ship would zoom away. This means that the ship would arrive at its destination faster than a beam of light by traveling the same distance. However, without violating Einsteins relativity (Einstein,A.1916) which says that it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate an object with mass to the speed of light, since the ship itself actually is not moving. 3.4 11th dimension Moreover, Cleaver and Obousy who are the other coauthor have manipulate the 11th dimension which is a special theoretical construct of m-theory (the offspring of string theory) to create the bubble and the ship would surf down. The bubble of dark energy could be created if the 11th dimension could be shrunk behind the ship. Hence, the same dark energy would cause the universe to speed up as time goes on. Thus, by expanding the 11th dimension in front of the ship would eventually cause it to decrease although two separate steps are required. At the end, how is the 11th dimension would be expanded and shrunk is still unknown. All the scientists still work hard for this. If there are extra dimensions and we could manipulate them, that would open up all sorts of exciting possibilities(Tufts University theoretical physicist Lawrence Ford). 3.5 Overcoming a wormholes instability with negative energy The main problem by using wormholes to travel in space or time is that they are inherently unstable. It would create fluctuations that cause the structure to collapse in upon itself when a particle enters a wormhole. There are theories (Thorne,1994) describe that a wormhole could be held open by some form of negative energy which represents a case where the energy density in space is actually negative. Therefore, sufficient quantity of negative energy might continue to hold the wormhole open while objects pass through it. This would be an absolute necessity to allow a wormhole to become a time portal. However, scientists lack a real understanding on how to get enough negative energy together, and most scientists think it is an impossible task. 3.6 Relativity of dark energy and negative energy In some models which are highly contrived, it may be possible to relate dark energy and negative energy because both of it exhibit a form of repulsive gravity even though dark energy is a positive energy. However, the good news is that our universe appears to have dark energy in abundance, but it is looks like the dark energy is distributed throughout the universe. There is no guarantee that stable wormholes can occur although String theory (Veneziano,1970) can provide potential sources of negative energy. Therefore, to find any way to store negative energy and use it to sustain a wormholes stability is far beyond current technology or maybe it is an impossible task. 4 Conclusion Wormhole is a hypothetical tunnel which allows everything to pass through without passing through the space between starting point and ending point. The wormholes may formed by allowing human to travel from Earth to another galaxy and return back relatively quickly within a lifetime. To travel through the wormhole, it must be travel faster than light. A Warp Drive Engine is outlined and based on a design by Alcubierre (1994), on how to travel faster than light. To overcome wormholes instability, it required negative energy but there is no guarantee that a stable wormholes can be occur even though String theory can provide potential sources of negative energy. According to Hawking (2010), wormhole is exists in the earth and it is possible to travel through . Number of words:2150 words

Friday, September 20, 2019

A Midsummer Nights Dream, Much Ado About Nothing, and Measure for Measure :: comparison compare contrast essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Shakespeare's comedies A Midsummers Night's Dream and Much Ado About Nothing have many parallels while Measure for Measure is a problem play with a completely different tone.   Comparing and contrasting these three plays provides insights into the views of Shakespeare concerning comedy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A Midsummer Night's Dream is a festive comedy.   The play takes place in June and this is a bewitched time.   In the spring the custom is to celebrate the return of fertility to the earth.   During   this time the young people spend the night in the woods to celebrate.   Shakespeare uses the greenworld pattern in this play.   The play begins in the city, moves out to the country and then back to the city.   Being in the country makes things better because there is tranquility, freedom and people can become uncivilized versus when they are in the city and have to follow customs and laws and behave rationally.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Comedies contain blocking figures and in this play it is Egeus.   If he was not in the way, Hermia could marry Lysander.   Since he is causing problems in his daughters life by trying to make her marry Demetrius, this begins the journey into the woods.   Egeus threatened Hermia with death if she were to marry Lysander so she thinks the only way they can be together is to run away.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One strange element is why Egeus was so set on Hermia marrying Demetrius.   Lysander came from as good a family as Demetrius.   Both were well possessed with property and money so Egeus's power is made to seem senseless.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The play moves into the woods which is haunted by fairies who are there to bless the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta.   The quarreling between Oberon and Titania over the changeling boy leads to the king wanting to embarrass Titania with the love juice by making her fall in love with a monster.   The first person she sees is Bottom and she falls violently in love with him.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Oberon is making a spectacle of Titania and Bottom.  Ã‚   It is ridiculous that she is in love with him because he is from such a lower class than her, he is human and she is a fairy, and he has the head of an ass.   She is also a queen and he is an uneducated working man and a match like this would never happen.   Bottom has such a problem with language.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Zyviare Melvin 12-11-13 5th block In class we have been learning about the death of Nelson Mandela. Apartheid? Have you ever wondered what that means, well if you haven’t I will tell you. It means a policy or system of segregation or discrimination on grounds of race. Nelson Mandela was famous for freeing the black majority in South Africa. He was a freedom fighter never giving into the oppressors. It was really bad in the 1960’s to have apartheid because that meant lots of violence was going on like fighting, it was good to have apartheid because some people just don’t like to be with people that they aren’t comfortable with. Nelson Mandela fought for the freedom of South America he never gave up on doing this because he felt like we should all be equal to each other. He did whatever it took to accomplish this goal if his. To me freedom means being equal to everyone that is around you. It means having all the same rights as someone no matter what their skin color is or what race they are. Nelson had his own definition of what freedom is that you should be very equal to everyone around you, you should have the same opportunities as everyone around you. A costume that my family shares with nelsons is being an African American, and also the meaning of family. So now I ask you what costumes does your family share with Nelson Mandela? The African National Congress is the current ruling party in Parliament of South Africa. Nelson Mandela was apart of this group. In 1993 Nelson Mandela shared the noble peace prize with the president he also had a son who died of aids this was a terrible time for his family. As you all know Nelson Mandela was a great man, who did amazing things when he was living. Like Barak Obama he was the very f... ...y great important person who inspired many people in this generation today. I didn’t know who Nelson Mandela was until Ms. Mingo made us do a project on this and that helped me learn a whole lot about him, and his life and what he did for this country. Nelson was a great person he was not selfish at all because he cared more about others than he did himself, but when he got sick he didn’t want anyone to know because he dint want them to get hurt with this information at such a wonderful time. Nelson really made a difference in my life and I wish that I could have met him so that I could know a lot more about him and what all he did in his life. It was pretty rough back then because there was a lot of racism going on and that was really terrible because that meant no one got alone with each other. That meant that I wouldn’t have most of my friends that I have now.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Macbeth Essay -- essays research papers

Compare and Contrast: Macbeth and Lady Macbeth Ambition, the world’s driving force to achieve their goals. Ambition is a characteristic of human nature, which, if expressed in an evil manner, can turn the entire person evil. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are great examples of these types of people. In William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, they are torn apart due to their excessive hunger for power.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have a driving ambition that turns each of them into a spiral of guilt and evil. They are both very stubborn and set in their ways this is proven when Macbeth does not want to change his mind about killing Duncan. Their thriving ruthlessness combined is almost unstoppable, and it is their fuel to commit the terrible deeds that they do. Though they are similar in many ways, they also have many differences, which include the changing of power throughout the play. The relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth is a very close but a rather strange one. There are a lot of things that Macbeth does not understand about Lady Macbeth, that she knows about him, for example, she knows his weakness of character and his strengths. At the beginning of the play Lady Macbeth is the stronger of the two. Although it was the witches who told Macbeth he will be king, it was Lady Macbeth who uses her art of persuasion, and knowledge of Macbeths weaknesses, to make him kill the king. Lady Macbeth uses persuasion, another factor that helps her over p...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


At one clip Enron was one of the universe ‘s largest manufacturers of natural gas, oil, and electricity. A It besides appeared to be one of the most profitable companies, taking stockholders from $ 19.10 in 1999 to $ 90.80 by the terminal of 2000. A Enron ‘s top direction answered to a Board of Directors whose duty was to inquiry and dispute new partnerships, ventures, and determinations within the company. A On several occasions, Andrew Fastow, the company ‘s Chief Financial Officer approached the board of managers with new investing partnerships which the board approved with really small oppugning. A Some of these partnerships created a struggle of involvement due to the fact that Fastow was non merely pull offing the partnerships, but he was besides an investor in an outside entity that took portion in purchasing and selling assets with Enron. A Fastow was able to make and pull off several of these partnerships while still keeping his function as CFO of Enron. A This was due to the regulation set in topographic point by the Financial Accounting Standards Board ( FASB ) which states, â€Å" if an outside investor puts in 3 per centum or more of the capital in a partnership, the corporation, even if it provides the other 97 per centum, does non hold to declare the partnership as a subordinate. A Therefore, assets and debt in the partnership can be withheld from the corporation ‘s balance sheet. † A With this regulation and the many partnerships Fastow created, Enron did non hold to declare the assets and debts from these partnerships, hence concealing 100s of 1000000s of dollars in losingss and debt. A The board of managers nevertheless did non see Fastow ‘s interaction with the partnerships to be a serious job due to the fact that the fiscal addition potency to Enron was great. A In fact Enron had a 65 page codification of moralss that was given to all employees. Enron was a kid of the deregulated energy markets in the lat e eightiess. Before so, most public-service corporations were publically provided, and Enron realized it could turn a net income by selling and merchandising these public-service corporations. Sometime around 2000, Enron began merchandising through the cyberspace, a revolution in the industry. The job was that this scheme required a perpetually high portion monetary value. Thus, Enron ‘s scheme shifted from energy trading to portion monetary value as the company ‘s primary focal point. Most experts believe that it was around this clip that Enron began utilizing fiscal technology to maintain its portion monetary values high and keep a high net income on the books. To make this, Enron in kernel â€Å" leveraged itself through debt, which it used to turn its non-core sweeping energy operations and service concern by maintaining most of this debt from looking on the balance sheets with luxuriant fiscal technology. When the stock monetary value began to fall, though, these same off balance sheet entities ended up downgrading Enron ‘s recognition evaluation. Suddenly, Enron was in over its caput — it could non borrow money due to its low recognition evaluation, nor could it utilize its ain money to transact concern, because it did non really have any. In fact, Enron had kept such a monumental sum of debt off the books — plenty to restrain every plus Enron claimed and so some — that the company merely imploded under its ain weight.Enron: The Nigerian Barge DealEnron Corporation was an energy company based in Texas and created when InterNorth acquired Houston Natural Gas Company in 1985. Enron ‘s growing was fast, it was named America ‘s Most Advanced Company † for six back-to-back old ages and it shortly became the 7th largest company in the United States, until its bankruptcy was declared in 2001. Accounting fraud, money laundering and confederacy are some of the charges which Enron stood accused of in a series of dirts that eventually came to a caput in the largest bankruptcy in history. One of these dirts was named the Nigerian Barges instance ( [ Fleischer1, 2005 ] ) . Enron tried to sell an involvement in three power-generating flatboats in the seashore of Nigeria unsuccessfully. When Enron failed to sell it by December of 1999, Merrill Lynch, one of the universe ‘s taking fiscal direction and consultative companies, agreed to purchase that involvement. That dealing was closed at the terminal of December 1999, and hence Enron could book about 12 million dollars in net incomes that twelvemonth and meet gaining marks. But the dealing was a fraud ( [ Kirkendall, 2005 ] ) . The chief job with this trade was that Merrill Lynch acted merely as a temporal purchaser to assist Enron look more profitable than it truly was. Enron ‘s Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow promised verbally to Merrill Lynch that Enron would purchase back the flatboats at a determined net income within six months, or Enron would happen a 3rd company to make so. This fact turned the dealing to be a simple loan, and non a true sale, as Enron claimed. Enron ‘s nonsubjective with this dealing was non other than doing its fiscal statements look better so that it could better the income statement and so, for case, borrow money from Bankss and the populace at a lower involvement rate, or merely pay the executives in Enron indefensible fillips. The thought, announced in 1999, was that Enron would construct gas-fired power workss near Lagos. Estimated costs put the undertaking at about $ 500 million. Before the chief works was built, Enron would get down providing power from three 30-megawatt barge-mounted workss firing either oil or gas, harmonizing to a 1999 article in Global Power Report, mentioning an Enron spokesman. The flatboats were to get down operation every bit early as the autumn of 1999, though programs had non been finalized. The initial study was that Enron would get down building, likely in the first half of 2000, and finish the underta king in 22 months. For Nigerians, the undertaking was of import because, though Africa ‘s largest state is rich in energy resources, it faced relentless power crises and blackouts. By September, the cost estimation for the new power composite was up to $ 800 million. Enron was committed to financing it and to put ining an associated 175 mile-long, 24-inch diameter, offshore natural gas grapevine to provide the works. By February 2000, seemingly before any building, the trade was already confronting political jobs, harmonizing to Global Power Report. The contracts were called into inquiry by the World Bank, Nigeria ‘s national public-service corporation, the National Electric Power Authority and other Nigerian provinces. The World Bank reportedly said the trade should hold been competitively command and that the concluding contract was excessively favourable to Enron. Even before anything happened in the manner of providing energy, Enron was selling pieces of its trade to Merrill Lynch. That dealing and Merrill ‘s speedy sale of its involvement back to an Enron-related entity is at the bosom of the condemnable allegations. Industry deregulating besides caused new jobs for Enron which, for the first clip, needed to hold a strong competitory focal point. Enron knew that it could win in a deregulated environment merely if it were the lowest cost manufacturer or if it could separate its merchandise from the competition. The latter would look to be a frustrating end, when the merchandise is defined as a trade good like natural gas. Enron ‘s direction was fighting with how to explicate a scheme that would give clients what they wanted and develop a sustainable advantage in this new environment. They needed to happen a manner to â€Å" box † natural gas molecules, dependable bringing, and predictable monetary values such that it could specify a clear merchandise line and pass on the company ‘s alone accomplishments. Ques:1 What are the ethical issues involved in this instance? Ques: 2. What are the exposure profile for Enron ‘s clients with regard to natural gas monetary values? What are the exposure profiles for Enron? Ques: 3. What suggestions do you hold for Enron?Summary OF THE CASE:The Financial Engineering encompasses the design, analysis, and building of fiscal contracts to run into the demands of endeavors. † Thus we can state that Financial technology is the phenomenon which facilitates the process/ merchandise invention in the fiscal industries which will assist in heightening the stockholders ‘ wealth. The basic motivations in traveling for fiscal technology are as follows: Reducing liability on the balance sheet, or Reducing disbursal on income statement, or Increasing gross on income statement, or Increasing tax write-offs on revenue enhancement returns Companies normally go for fiscal technology to cut down their hazard liability and accretion of debt in the balance sheet. The range of fiscal technology includes the followers: Investing Banking Corporate Strategic Planning Hazard Management Primary and Derivatives Securities Evaluation Fiscal Information Systems Management Portfolio Management Security Trading The instance that we have chosen here will be explained from one facet out of the many countries covered under the range of fiscal technology that is â€Å" Corporate STRATEGIC Planning † . This construct shall be explained in the context of EnronaˆÂ ¦.which has been regarded as the biggest fraud in history. Under Corporate Strategic Planning Scope the company has used Financial Engineering to be-fool the the stakeholder of the company. In corporate strategic be aftering one really of import determination includes â€Å" Strategic ALLIANCE † which the companies follow for carry throughing their strategic every bit good as fiscal motivations. Enron has excessively did the same thing. Enron was created by a merge between Houston Natural Gas and Inter north. Houston ‘s Natural Gas ‘s CEO Kenneth Lay headed the amalgamation of the two companies. Kenneth Lay became the CEO of Enron. Enron was originally entirely involved with the distribution and transmittal of electricity and gas in the United States. In the amalgamation, Enron incurred a big sum of debt, and as a consequence of deregulating, no longer had sole rights to its grapevines. The company had to happen a manner to bring forth net incomes and hard currency flow. Kenneth Lay hired Jeffrey Skilling to work for Enron as an comptroller. Skilling suggested the pattern of purchasing gas from a web of providers and selling it to consumers at a fixed monetary value with a contract. Enron was interested in the enlargement, edifice, and operation of grapevines, power workss, and other substructure worldwide. After merely a twelvemonth of operation Enron merged with a company called Spectrum Seven, a compa ny whose president and CEO is the former president of the United States, George W. Bush. In 1999, Enron tried to spread out their company by making the Azurix Corporation, a H2O public-service corporation company. Enron was named â€Å" America ‘s Most Advanced Company † by Fortune magazine from 1996 to 2001. Enron was on Fortune ‘s â€Å" 100 Best Companies to work for In America † in 2000. The company ‘s hereafter appeared to be bright and assuring continued success. One of the really of import issue which led to the ruin of Enron was Nigerian Barge trade which was chiefly done to victimize the Govt and the stakeholders. Enron had promoted that it is come ining into a trade with the Nigerian Barge Fieldss of supplying energy human dynamos at that place. . For Nigerians, the undertaking was of import because, though Africa ‘s largest state is rich in energy resources, it faced relentless power crises and blackouts. The trade was a strategy to â€Å" park † Enron ‘s assets to bolster its net incomes and that no hazard was transferred to Merill Lynch in the trade because of an â€Å" unwritten ‘handshake ‘ side trade † by Enron to buy back the flatboats back from Merill or happen another suited purchaser. It was a fake that allowed Enron to illicitly book about $ 12 million in pretax net income, when in fact there was no existent sale and no existent net incomes. The function of Merill Lynch in this whole thing has been questionable since they have deviated from their basic responsibility and helped them in indulging into deceitful activities. Alongwith this instance and many others Enron had to atlast file for bankruptcy and it has been a affair of great concern for the US Govt. since one of its major investing bankers were involved in the instance.Question:Ques:1 What are the ethical issues involved in this instance?Autonomic nervous system: Enron showed a dainty image in forepart of the Nigerian Govt. Nigeria had abundant resources but lacked in expertness to use them expeditiously. Enron promised them to supply them expertise but it was merely a manner to â€Å" park † their assets. They wanted to conceal their earlier frauds and unethical manner of net incomes ( black money ) . The most unethical portion was that they were playing with their codification of behavior and puting a bad illustration for the remainder of the corporate. Butone of the board members of Merrill Lynch bl ew the whistling and the aureate image of Enron was tarnished.Ques: 2. What are the exposure profile for Enron ‘s clients with regard to natural gas monetary values?Ans. It has been identified that Enron ‘s jobs were non in its energy operations, but from â€Å" dot com † investings and in some foreign subordinates. Enron was originally entirely involved with the distribution and transmittal of electricity and gas in the United States. But after the amalgamation and the deregulating in the US, people could now entree gas at subsidised rate. This reduced its monopoly over the distribution of natural gas. But it had a strong political backup. The company ‘s connexion to George W. Bush, and Houston ‘s local political relations has received much attending in the recent yesteryear. In 1986, Enron was involved with Bush ‘s company in joint boring for oil. It has been said that George Bush and Kenneth Lay even shared good friendly relationship dealingss . That is why the company ever enjoyed some kind of shelter even after making unethical patterns. The clients did non hold any pick except for buying at the monetary values offered by Enron.Ques: 3. What suggestions do you hold for Enron?Ans. The lone suggestion that we have for Enron is that it should accept its error and apologise for its fraud. This can be one manner of recovering its image. Another option would be to counterbalance the Nigerian Barge Govt. so that it may experience that Enron is truly atoning on its error of working the abundant resources of Nigeria which remained unutilized.SWOT ANALYSIS OF THE CASEStrengthStrong political backup ( Bush & A ; Houston Govt. ) Good repute with fiscal establishments ( Merrill Lynch )FailingCertitude and extra dependance on its dependable resources Lack of support from top direction executives in strategic planning determinations ( window dressing of the histories at in-between degree )OpportunityRecover their lost energy because of clients assurance in them Promoting themselves in such a manner that the trade was fundamentally done to supply the client services at lower rates and non to conceal any corporate dirt.MenaceIt becomes hard to recover the lost image even if the company goes for â€Å" n † no of CSR as the expression goes â€Å" 1 dissatified client will state 30000 people whereas 1 satisfied client will state merely 3 † . So the company functionaries can good conceive of in what quantum their image or trade name equity has tarnished.CRITICAL APPRAISALThis is non the first cozenage or fraud for which Enron has been alleged. Previously it had been into spotlight when it created a bogus SPV ( SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLE ) to pull strings their histories. They have created a false SPV ( Particular Purpose Vehicle ) to reassign all their losingss to that entity. It was fundamentally done to change over their ruddy balance sheet into a rose-colored one. Strong political backup and everlasting support from the taking fisca l establishments urged Enron to go on these frauds since they believed that Govt will come to its deliverance in instance it faces any job. Enron had non merely misused the options available through fiscal technology for their ain motivations but in a manner destroyed the state ‘s image besides because they were stand foring US Corporate civilization in Nigeria. So the state ‘s unity besides was at interest. The approaching companies can larn a lesson in two ways – 1. They may be encouraged to make such kind of frauds since Govt come for deliverance ( negative motive ) 2. It may put an illustration for them non to reiterate such an act in future. ( positive motive ) . In Indian context it is really of import to larn a lesson because we have been top ranked in Corporate cozenage this twelvemonth.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Adam Smith: Of the Wages of Labour Essay

Adam Smith spoke about the existing relationship between wages and labor and compared it to how it is observed in other countries like North America, India and China. In this section of his book, he had described how things would have been like if laborers had managed and owned their produce. Smith had stated that in the original state of things, the finished product simply belongs to the laborer. Things would have gradually become cheaper since almost everyone with a backbone could rely on their own work produce. Even if the produce is made by a small number of laborers, the commodities produced would most likely be of equal standards compared to other laborers since it is not marked by profit for others but for oneself. In reality, the concept of ownership and private properties has long been the determinants of people’s places. Smith has said that in every business undertaking, every laborer depends upon a master or owner to obtain the necessary materials they need for work and for their survival needs. The master shares in the produce of a laborer through profit, which is the value that is placed for the work produced. Whatever contract the laborer and master agrees upon the end result determines the wage received by the laborer. Most often, the interests of the masters and laborers are in conflict, which creates tension and dilemma in the relationship. The laborers desire to get as much from their produce as they can but their masters would only offer them a minimal amount than their asking price. Smith also noted that most masters merge to contain or maintain low wages since it will affect their share of the profit while laborers unite to raise the stakes. In the long-run, the laborer may be a necessity to his master as the master is to the laborer but the relationship is not that compulsory on the part of the master. This is due to the fact that laborers live by their work, which should be sufficient enough to maintain a decent living. Smith went on to express what he had observed from the lowest species of common laborers in Europe who have a difficulty in sustaining a large family. Most often, the wages of common laborers are not enough to feed their children of four. The amount that a laborer usually gets is sufficient enough for only one person. Herein lies the sentiments of the common laborers who do heavy menial work yet are not paid sufficiently for their dues. Smith goes on to compare the high wages in North America for the common laborers to those of European countries. According to him, England is a much wealthier country than North America but in relation to the wages it gives to laborers, the latter gains the upper hand. In Great Britain and most other European countries, it was said that wages were not expected to be doubled in less than five hundred years. Labor is so well rewarded in North America, China and India that families with numerous children are a source of opulence and prosperity to the parents since they contribute more income to the family. The demand for those who live by wages is said to increase in proportion to the increase of the funds. According to Smith, these funds are of two kinds. First is the concept of revenue, which is what is necessary for the maintenance of the business and second is the stock which is needed for the employment of the masters. Smith has asserted that if there is an increase in the revenue and stock of a business, then there is an increase in a nation’s wealth and this is what he has observed in the countries he mentioned in the text. Adam Smith had made good observations regarding his view of wages and labor in contemporary modern times and he had been able to clearly define what ails the relationship between laborers and it masters. Reference: Smith, A. (1994). Of the Wages of Labour. The Wealth of Nations. Modern Library. New York: Random House.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Reaction Paper to a Motivation Article

REACTION PAPER Topic: â€Å"INCENTIVES ARE NOT THE SAME AS MOTIVATORS†Mr. Clayton Christensen, a renowned author in the field of management, wrote an article entitled â€Å"INCENTIVES ARE NOT THE SAME AS MOTIVATORS†. He enlightens his readers on the difference between incentives and motivators. He was born on April 16, 1952 at Salt Lake City, Utah (USA). Besides being a teacher and a consultant, he is also famous in writing articles about innovator’s dilemma. This article was published by Carmen Nobel last June 4, 2012.Some people may say that â€Å"incentives† and â€Å"motivators† are synonymous to each other, but they are different in a major way. Incentives are somewhat like â€Å"prizes† set for the persons who did something beneficial. Meaning, people will do their best to get the prize. Whereas for motivators, it is somewhat like â€Å"encouragements† to persuade people to do their best to enhance their own skills. It is more la sting and holistic. â€Å"Do this and you’ll get that,† These are the words that we always hear from our parents.This is also a very common and popular phrase in companies. Some corporations rely on some sort of incentive programs, wherein there will always be â€Å"fabulous prizes† if the company’s productivity improves. Henry L. Gantt, contributor to Scientific Management, had designed a program wherein every worker who finished a day’s assigned work load would win a 50? bonus for that day. Because of this, of course, we can conclude that all workers labored to win the prize.But behind all these incentives, do all workers really have passion for their work? In my personal experience, when I was young, I also did the household chores because of incentives – washing dishes for new toys, clothes, and other things; cleaning the house for cell phone load; and many more. But after some time, I realized that without any incentives, I am not motiv ated to perform those tasks. Motivations came when I realized that upon completion of the assigned tasks, I can enjoy and benefit from it.I can feel and enjoy the fruits of my labor. In conclusion, I agree with the author that motivations are better than incentives. If you would look at it carefully, if the incentive program will to be used, people will only do their job because of that â€Å"something† that will be given afterwards. However, if the motivation program will to be introduced instead, it would inspire people to do their best at all times, in order for them to be proud, and contented with what they have done, and with what they have achieved.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay

Scientific research has come a long way since the first use of human embryos to treat and prevent diseases. The polio vaccine was invented in the 1950’s from the use of human fetal kidney cells, fetuses in uteri were used to develop techniques like amniocenteses and improving knowledge about congenital heart disease in the 1970’s, and in the 1980’s the transplantation of fetal tissue into adults to help with serious conditions like, diabetes or Parkinson’s (Gold, 2004). While there has always been concern and controversy over the use of human embryonic cells, today the debate is ethical. This ethical debate lies within the destruction of human embryos in order to use them for medical research. This paper will talk about how two different theories; utilitarianism and relativism view this ethical issue and the problem it presents, as well as my personal views on use of embryonic stem cell research. The theory of utilitarianism determines what is best by looking at the results of an act. According to Mosser (2010, section 1. 7), â€Å"utilitarianism argues that, given a set of choices, the act we should choose is that which produces the best results for the greatest number affected by that choice. When looking at the use of embryonic stem cells for research, utilitarianism looks at the end result. Embryonic stem cells have the potential to save lives by curing diseases and through the use of transplantation. While some utilitarianism’s may still view the destruction of these cells as the destruction of human life they recognize that their potential is a far better choice, being that this research can potentially help save many lives. The opposition to embryonic stem cell research may have a relativists view. Although one person may see embryonic stem cell research as right, another may see it as wrong based on their own ethical standards that have been provided by their culture or background (Mosser, 2010). The opposition of embryonic stem cell research view the embryo as a person from the day it is conceived, although it does not have any characteristics of a person, it will one day become a person. The thought of destroying human life has raised many important questions that cannot be answered by science. When does life begin? Is a human embryo equivalent to a human child? Does a human embryo have any rights? Might the destruction of a single embryo be justified if it provides a cure for countless number of patients? Since ES cells can grow indefinitely in a dish can, in theory, still grow into a human being, is the embryo really destroyed. (The University of Utah, 2012, para. 5) So what moral status does the human embryo have? To the relativist opposition, the question can only be answered by their personal moral views. To better understand the debate about embryonic stem cell research one must first understand the importance of embryonic stem cell research. Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells that are derived from the inner cell mass of the human blastocyst (early embryo) (Hynes, 2008). Many wonder why the use of these cells is so important in scientific breakthroughs. Embryonic stem cells are capable of differentiating into all types of cells in the body. This allows researchers to use ES cells to create any type of cell needed for any patient. Many ask why the use of adult stem cells is not good enough. Adult stem cells are undifferentiated cells found within the body. These cells only have the ability to â€Å"divide or self-renew indefinitely and generate all the cell types of the organ from which they originate† (Science, 2012, para. 1). Adult stem cell research is not controversial, as it does not require the destruction of human life to acquire them. While adult stem cells have been used to successfully treat things like leukemia and related bone/blood cancers, embryonic stem cells offer a wider variety of treatment options because they have the ability to develop into more than 200 cell types in the body as long as they are specified to do so (Science, 2012). Both sides of this debate may be influenced by religion. There are some religions that regard a human embryo as having human status from the time of conception while others say that an embryo does not have full human status before 40 days (EuroStemCell, 2011). The Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and conservative Protestant Churches are against human embryonic stem cell research, where Judaism and Islam look at and emphasize the importance of the outcome that embryonic stem cell research can bring (EuroStemCell, 2011). As with any debate those who have the same theory may still believe differently based upon their culture, upbringing, and religious background. I find that one could be of a certain religion (Catholic) and still view embryonic stem cell research as a better solution than just discarding unused embryos. The Catholic utilitarian may argue that the it is better to utilize the embryonic stem cells from an infertility clinic for research to potentially save many lives than to discard the cells as if they were. On the other hand the Catholic relativist/utilitarian might argue that this goes against their religious beliefs and is not what is best for the common good. As one can see in this example a person may exercise more than one theory in their lives. One may have been raised to view embryonic stem cell research, as wrong because it destroys human life, but they may also view it is a way to help the common good. This is when these types of decisions, to be for or against something, become a personal struggle. Does one go against what they were raised and taught to believe or do they do what they think is right for the common good of society? Mosser (2010, Section 1. 7) states that, â€Å"utilitarianism gives us what seems to be a clear and fairly easy principle to apply to ethical problems and so determine the right thing to do in specific cases. † This may be the case when it comes to simple decisions that are easy to explain and justify, but when it comes to a moral decision between right and wrong utilitarianism can merely guide us and help clarify these ethical problems (Mosser, 2010). Unfortunately this is why there is such a heated debate with embryonic stem cell research. What one sees as morally right another sees as morally wrong? The reasons may be different, but the end result may be the same. In this case one believes the act of using human embryos for research will help the common good where the other side believes not using human embryos for research will help the common good in value of morals and what status they view the human embryo. Relativism allows one the opportunity to go along with what their culture believes is right or wrong. It keeps one safe, as many people are afraid to express their own opinions and views against anothers views (Mosser, 2010). As with any ethical issue, this theory allows those who do not know enough about it to stay safe and build their views and opinions based on those around them. This allows one to judge another based on a view that has been acquired by commonality rather than facts. This can go both ways with embryonic stem cell research. Although the relativist view can be regarded as the â€Å"popular† view it can be very powerful if one bases their view on facts and knowledge and not just the cultural view. While their will always be disagreements about the use of embryonic stem cell research I find that their use if more beneficial than it is destructive. While everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, is it selfish to oppose the use of embryonic cells, which will be discarded anyway, because it is seen as the destruction of life? I think so. If there is a way to help another in the future through the use of embryonic stem cells, why not? I find myself in agreement with the utilitarianism theory on this matter. It is important for researchers to continue their research to help the common good. The research and researchers must have limitations though.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Deportation at Breakfast (1991 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Deportation at Breakfast (1991 - Essay Example It initially looks like an enigma, is the pivotal point of the story around which the future of the protagonist revolves and evolves! The protagonist has distanced himself from others and placed himself in the middle of the action, willing to face the uncertainties and eventualities. The other characters are engaged in carefree gossip, and are unable to appreciate the important developments that will take place at the counter, shortly. It is going to be a decisive moment in the life for the protagonist. The police invade the diner, none notices it except the protagonist. Javier is led away from behind the counter, and a new phase in his life begins. It is a moment of decision for the protagonist and he takes the right one according to his well-guided conscience, gets off the sidelines, he is no more a fence-sitter, and he is in to the game by crossing over to the counter to assume the responsibilities held by Javier, until police whisked him away. Thus, the protagonist fills in the r ole previously held by Javier, admirably,is there well in time to make the life changing decision. What happens to the protagonist once he crosses over to the other side of the fence, is altogether a different issue. For example, the mighty mountain remains under the feet of the conqueror. Success, however, is not the level of ones achievements in life. It is the process of living—how boldly one meets the challenges of life! No individual is a failure unless one admits defeat! Protagonist deserves full appreciation, for he honors the process of living and does what is right for his future, under the circumstances. Readiness is what matters in life, whether at the individual level or at the highest level to decide an issue. In his inaugural address after taking oath of office on 20th January 1961 John Kennedy said, "For only when our arms are sufficient beyond

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Research Paper

The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln - Research Paper Example Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln? Did other politicians hire the killer or was the killer himself a politician? Did the man behind the shooting of President Abraham Lincoln have any personal interests in his death? What exactly did he stand to gain if the president died? Where exactly did the assassination of Abraham Lincoln take place? What kind of weapon did the assassinator use to perpetrate the act? The person who killed Abraham Lincoln was not a politician but a renowned actor, John Wilkes Booth. The death of the president as he thought would put an end to the civil war, giving the Confederates victory over the Union. To understand the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, it is important to know the person who killed him and the motive behind the assassination. Moreover, the factors that facilitated the killing of the president will help in shedding light on the issue. A myriad of questions focusing on the main reason why Booth had to assassinate the president arose shortly after h e killed him. At the time he was killing Abraham, Booth was not only rich but famous too, owing to his acting prowess. Coming from a family of successful actors, he was a highly rated actor, earning approximately $20,000 while most of the people in the United States earned an average of $3,000 annually. John Wilkes Booth on 14th April 1865 managed to pull the trigger of a .44 caliber derringer pistol, from the president’s box in a full Ford Theatre, firing a single bullet that killed the president (Good, 11). As Streers writes, â€Å"at approximately twenty minutes past ten o’clock on that fateful night of April 14th 1865, the famous actor John Wilkes Booth entered the box above and fired a bullet from a small derringer pistol into the brain of Abraham Lincholn† (12). Amid the laughers of the audience, the actor took aim at the president, shot at his head before jumping into the stage and escaping into the night. However, after two weeks of chasing Booth, the po lice found him at a barn in Maryland, where a Union officer shot him in the neck killing him two hours later. Box and John (18) argue that, â€Å"I do not look upon the murder of the President as an act of mere private vengeance; it was a blow aimed at the people who elected him and for the principles he represented.† According to Steers (20-30), having been born in Maryland, Booth openly supported the Confederate during the civil war of America. Additionally, he advocated for slavery, which was in contrary to Abraham’s perception on slavery (McCarty 50). Booth reasoned that by supporting the slaves, Lincoln was out to overthrow the constitution of the United States and destroy the south, which he so much loved. Booth was unsatisfied and angry with the management of the war, especially the handling of the war prisoners (McCarty 5). Moreover, when general Ulysses Grant stopped the exchange of the war prisoners as the war approached its end, Booth became even more agitat ed. Inspired by his personal opinion of how things ought to have been, the ardent supporter of slavery believed that the south had every right to be free to decide on its own on issues such as slavery and governance (Box and John 18). The progress of the war greatly wrecked the south, a region where slavery was legal, which motivated them to fight effortlessly to win the war. Lincoln on the other hand supported the north, the segment that was against slavery in the United States. Nevertheless, Booth thought that the death of the president as well as other high-ranking politicians among them the vice president, Johnson and the Secretary of The State, Steward would help the south in winning the civil war. According to Booth, if the three politicians died simultaneously, it would throw the union government into a turmoil that would automatically give the Confederates an upper hand in the war. As he learned from the media and from Lincoln’s character and media, Lincoln was easy t o reach. Fradin (19) writes, â€Å"

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The effects of enviromental temperature on human respiration Lab Report

The effects of enviromental temperature on human respiration - Lab Report Example Hypertensive patients should be extremely careful in cold weather and people should take care such that the amount or degree of exposure to cold is reduced and also adopt measures to keep the body warm. It is important to expose the body to the cold stress. However the instant impact is quite drastic. After the initial brief seconds, the rate of metabolism seems to fall as the body now adjusts itself gradually to the stimuli. Adaptation is important for human being and degree of adaptation depends upon the habituation. The term acclimatization refers to the physiological adaptation of the body to a fall in temperature. In order to make the patient adaptable to the surrounding cold, it is important first for the person to come in contact with the stimuli. Escaping or protecting oneself from the cold by wearing heavy warm clothes is not the permanent solution. The study carried out by Young, Muza, Sawka, Gonzalez, and Pandolf (1985) shows the impact of repeated immersion in cold water, a program designed for adaptation. However it was observed that only under light stressful a condition a person is able to show adaptation but not under strict conditions. It has also been observed that cold presor test (CPT) revealed that with the increase in cardiac sympathetic activity, the heart rate increases too during the first 30 seconds of the test. In this case results also reveal â€Å"Arterial pressure, heart rate, and MSNA all increased significantly during the CPT† (Victor, Leimbach, Jr., Seals, W alljn, and Mark, 2008, 431) According to Fleisher and Krieger (2007) cardiac arrest brings about halt in respiratory activities or apnea. Therefore, we can infer that an increase in cardiac activity will bring about an increase in respiration rate. It may be hypothesized that the environmental temperature will affect human respiration. At colder temperature, the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Practices as a social worker on values, beliefs and experiences Personal Statement

Practices as a social worker on values, beliefs and experiences - Personal Statement Example In this context, though there are scientific interventions like value education, the perception of these interventions would again depend on the experience through which a person has come through. Walters (2010) , in his article on ‘An Introduction to Use of Self in Field Placement’ has cited the case of a social work student who was able to produce remarkably superior quality field reports. The reason that the author cites for this is that the poorer socioeconomic situation of the student which helped him to draw experiences from himself and apply himself while preparing the reports. Further, Dewane (2006) has emphasised on the need for integrating knowledge, values and skills with life experiences for being an effective social worker. Thus personal experience of a social worker will add genuineness and authenticity to social work practice. A social worker will be able to connect oneself more to the social issue with added personal experience. In general, experiences will influence ones world view. However, a social worker must be able to analyse a social issue from different perspectives. It must also be ensured that personal experiences do not lead to views wh ich are

Monday, September 9, 2019

Irrational Consumer Behavior. Why consumer often makes irrational Essay

Irrational Consumer Behavior. Why consumer often makes irrational decision to buy a low quality product because of advertisement or cultures - Essay Example Often a big poster of advertisement or television leads people to make some irrational decision in buying products. The role of television advertisement is significant in irrational consumer behavior (Mafe & Blas, 2007). Consumers often buy a low quality product because they were â€Å"deceived† by the advertisement. This happens because a majority number of individuals just trust tons of beautiful fonts, and words on the advertisement without making any further research about the products. The importance of the sensory receptors (eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and skin) plus peer pressure play an important role in irrational buying. Thus, the marketers often create great teasers to play with the consumer emotion because they know that the coherent pictures and the dynamic graphic on the commercial video are enormous stimuli for getting the consumer attention. Advertisement makes a lot of people ignore the details that are more important than the words that are written on the advert isement. If individuals do more research before they buy the products, they will make the rational choice. However, only a few people are eager to look up additional information on the internet when they are already falling in love with the advertisement on the Television, and Posters. Furthermore peer pressure is also involved in influencing people’s mind when deciding the products that they want to purchase. All of this influential advertisements, that are created by marketers often lead people in choosing some of the bad choices. The marketer has a great way to advertise their product in society with the right timing, and at the right moment. Therefore, people’s perception of being interested at some commercial often lead many people to forget about the health issue because of their subliminal perception. This forces the consumers to purchase more expensive products of low quality because of advertisement Stimulus of the big brand products, and get a poor service by paying a great amount of money after just looking at the descriptive terms of the advertisement. Health is one of the crucial issues in this world. Individuals need health in order to do their jobs. However, there are a lot of health issues in today’s world. But why people often make an irrational decision by buying these unhealthy products with higher price instead of cheaper healthier foods? It is because people frequently consume unhealthy foods. For example, they are willing to spend $1 more for Soda like Coca Cola, and Sprite. This is because of they are attracted by the beautiful soda commercial. Many of soda firms contract a great marketers in their division to market the products. So today, a lot of Soda Corporations are focused on the subliminal perception of people. â€Å"Stimuli that are too weak or to brief to be consciously seen or heard may nevertheless be strong enough† (Schifmann & Kanuk, 2009, Pg. 160). It is about the stimulated awareness of people t hat responds to the advertisement they have watched. By understanding this fact, the marketers use the subliminal commands like DRINK SPRITE, and filming a commercial that tells the audiences that COKE is the best beverage to relieve the feeling of thirst. These types of advertisement have a high effectiveness in becoming a great attention grabber. A big number of people make an irrational decision by buying these drinks as their daily beverages when they can buy cheaper bottle of water that is healthier. Even though Soda brings many health issues like Diabetes, and Obesity, they don’t care about that because they prefer to satisfy their needs after watching the interesting advertisement. Mostly these ads are aired on television, and television advertisement plays a great role in purchase decisions

The paper subject is Human Resource management Essay

The paper subject is Human Resource management - Essay Example It was started with the help of three associates namely Jerry Baldwin, Gordon Bowker and Zev Siegl with the desire to offer best quality of coffee to its customers (Scribd, n.d.). The prime objective of Starbucks is to offer its target customers with finest Italian coffee in order to enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction. In addition to coffee, Starbucks also provides varied types of food items and roasted coffee beans as well to its consumers. Moreover, it also attempts to attract large number of customers in order to augment its corporate image and brand identity in the market among other competing organisations. The objective of the paper is to highlight the importance of Starbucks along with preparing a performance management system in order to assess the performance of a shift supervisor. Moreover, it also highlights varied types of performance management approaches in order to augment the performance level of a shift supervisor of Starbucks. Performance management is referred as the method of creation of a uniform working environment, which can facilitate individual employees to augment their eminence of performances. It is also described as the process of examining and investigating the level of performances of an individual in order to attain the desired results (Kansas Department of Administration, n.d.). The main focus of performance management is to identify the areas for providing job enrichment training and to instruct the employees in order to achieve the required level of performances, which is shown in the below figure. Moreover, performance management is also essential, as it would facilitate an individual to attain recognition for his/her job performance. It also enables to identify the areas in job description that require to be worked upon in order to eliminate certain deficiencies within an individual. It is extremely essential for an organisation to sustain in this era of competitiveness

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Same Sex Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Same Sex Marriage - Essay Example However, homosexual adults who have come to terms with their homosexuality, who do not regret their sexual orientation, and who can function effectively sexually and socially, are no more distressed psychologically that are heterosexual men and women (Duberman, et al., 1989). Being identified to be gay doesn't compose this person to be an alien because each and every one is a person within his or her own exclusive way. There is no trouble with gay people getting married since in the United States everybody is equal. Why then, is there a concern with gay citizens getting married, when a man along with a woman may get married with no difficulty. Gay couples will keep on living and giving out their lives together even though they don't get married. But if they do not get the opportunity to get married, there will still be gay partners. Gay marriages must be permitted everywhere for the natural facts that the gay society is growing day by day and gay people are individuals just like anybody else. Be it a gay partner or a straight pair, two people in love with each other should be together regardless of what anyone believes. There is no difference involving the love of two gay individuals and the affection of two heterosexuals. Gay marriage has become a controversial subject matter for some time now. There are more and more people that oppose to it, than there are supportive of it. The most important issue in this work is that gay marriage should have the same treatment under the law. It shows that the administration is concentrating more on the happiness of a particular person fairly than on whether or not this person is being treated equally. Who can tell, maybe the gay society have their personal religion which permits them to be wed. We could make God pleased if we loved the citizens who possess different manners of thinking. In God's eyes each and every one are all brothers and sisters, so why not make Him a proud God I just want all the people to recognize that there is nothing erroneous with two people who desire to be happy. Well, not each person trusts in the Bible or God, so why is the administration even declaring this The Free Exercise Clause states that the government is outlawed from meddling with the free exercise of religion inside the United States. Nowadays it seems as though the administration is promoting Christianity by stating that the Bible declares that God says that marriage was intended for one man together with one woman. If the government would try to please everyone within this nation, it may be a total catastrophe. I suppose that there has been way over concentration on gay marriages, and too l ittle on equal handling (Fisher, R. D., 1994). Gay marriages contradict the self-apparent truth of nature where male and female bodies are calculated for and match each other. Homosexual marriage may undervalue your marriage. An authorization to marry seems to be a lawful document, by which government may consider same sex marriage as if it were the same as the real thing, is a license which speaks for the administration and will tell the society that government states the marriages are equal. Any time a less important thing is made equal towards a greater where the greater is undervalued. If we were to ban same sex marriage we might be taking an enormous step backwards with regards to human rights.