Thursday, October 17, 2019

How to Live Our Lives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

How to Live Our Lives - Essay Example In short, bear in mind that everything in this world is connected no matter how distant they may seem to be. And this life that we call, is in fact just a journey, probably a way to be better so make the most of each day to become better. Thich Nhat Hanh talked about karma, the process of living and dying. So it is a given that eventually, all will die. This is the natural order of things that we need to accept and need not to get depressed permanently. True, as human beings, we feel sorrow. They say, don’t make life complicated because the path on how to live a life is already spelled out. First, think that everything is connected and that death is part of life. Accept that all will eventually die and that we do not have to be grievously depressed on it. Instead, spend more time to be happy. But to be happy, we have to be healthy within our body and environment. So eat right and live the kind of life that will make you happy. We like to eat fast foods and drink soda. We reduced play to video games and no longer exercise. If we want to live a happy life, it is essential that we have first to be healthy. And to be healthy meant eating right and exercising. Eating right does not even mean eating less delicious foods. In fact it is eating the good foods such as fruits and vegetables. This is illustrated by Michael Pollan in his book The Omnivore’s dilemma: a natural history of four meals where he described that the source of our food is becoming a factory and is no longer grown the way it used to be. Worst, industrial farm factory and the use of GMOs are even packaged to be a better food source than organic farming (Pollan 15). So do not be surprised if many of us are getting fatter and sicker because many of us are lead to believe that the GMO foods are better than the natural food. And being

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